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2024-08-08 09:48:27 来源:中国教育在线



你写雅思作文还在使用about,bad这样的初级词汇么?如果是的话,本文将会给你带来很大的启发,将作文中的常用词汇做一个深度替换,你会马上发现,高分作文已经离你不远。 雅思写作SB词汇到FA词汇替换一览表1-about approximately approaching close to in respect to2-bad defective inadequate unsatisfactory3-basic essential indispensable elementary rudimentary have a rudimentary grasp of sth.4-begin commence commence building work initiate initiate a program of economic reform originate5-better preferable superior worthier6-big massive extensive immense7-certain unquestionable incontrovertible indubitable8-change alter transform diversify9-choose select prefer identify10-indefinitely unquestionably precisely inescapably undoubtedly indubitably11-easy effortless undemanding pleasant12-enjoy savor savor every mouthful relish relish a challenge/relish doing revel revel in13-entire inclusive integral complete14-exciting thrilling stirring rousing15-get obtain acquire procure the procurement of sth.16-give sth. is bestowed on/upon sb. donate deliver17-good serviceable virtuous competent18-happy elated jubilant delighted19-hard arduous formidable rigorous20-help support sustain be sustained by the strength of the faith assist21-important substantial weighty (important and serious) weighty issues/matters notable22-interesting absorbing appealing thought-provoking23-job undertaking The construction of the tunnel is a large and complex undertaking. occupation vocation24-know comprehend perceive discern25-like (v.) enjoy relish appreciate have a predilection for26-main primary foremost dominant27-more supplementary additional replenishment28-next subsequently thereafter successively29-nice gracious charming satisfying30-really genuinely undeniably truly31-sometimes occasionally intermittently sporadically32-think conceive ponder contemplate33-try attempt endeavor endeavor to do sth. venture Venture a small fish to catch a great one.34-very unusually exceedingly profoundly35-want crave crave sth. have a craving for sth. yearn yearn for/yearn to do long long to do/long for36-old aged mature experienced used worn former previous37-perfect flawless faultless a faultless performance ideal consummate a consummate performer38-see regard regard sb. with suspicion behold witness gaze realize notice39-make build construct produce assemble fashion manufacture40-part section portion segment detail element component41-kind type variety sort form42-emphasize underscore feature accentuate43-bring accompany cause spark It still sparks bitter controversy among. convey create conduct deliver produce44-fast swift quick fleet hasty instant accelerated45-energy vitality vigor force dynamism


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