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2024-08-08 17:33:52 来源:中国教育在线




1. Are you working or studying?

I am currently a college student. I am studying computer science in

Tsinghua University, one of the top universities in China。


I am working for IBM as an administrative staff. Ive been doing this job

for many years and I still like doing it。

2. Tell me something about the school or university you attend。

Sure. Im always excited to talk about my university, Tsinghua

University. Established in the early 1900s by the Qing Dynasty, it has now

become one of the top ranking universities in China and wellrenowned in the

world. Located in the northwest of Beijing in Qinghuayuan ,once a royal

garden, it enjoys a marvelous natural environment. The campus is really big.

It is home to more than ten thousand undergraduate and graduate students. In

terms of learning and research, Tsinghua university provides the most qualified

faculty anywhere in China, and the best library and research facilities. The

last thing I would like to mention of Tsinghua is that it has a long tradition of sending students to study overseas. Not only that it was first established as a preparatory school for students to study in the US, but it also sends over

a thousand students each year to study abroad, US, Australia and other

countries. Thank you。


Well, of course. I study in XXX University. It is one of the largest and best universities in central China. It has a very big and nice campus. Though the university has been established for a long time, many of its old buildings are now replaced by new and modern ones. With lawns and trees everywhere, the environment of the campus is really good, making it a good college experience

for everyone who studies here。

Tell me something about your primary school。

The name of the school is XXX Primary School. It is not far from where I

where I used to live. It is a rather small one with only two buildings, the

main teaching building and an office building. There is also a playground

behind the buildings with several gym bars and a sand pit. I guess thats

all I can remember now. Thanks。

Well, I dont remember much but just a few things about my primary

school. First it is rather a small one with a size of 20 students in each

class. And there were only three classes on each grade at that time. Then the playground behind the main building is also very small. I faintly remember that

there were a few things students could play with: a swing, a sand dune, and

a few other things. I used to stay at school to play there until my parents

come to take me home. That is pretty much of what I remember。

Sure. It is one of the best primary schools in my hometown. To get into

this school, one must meet certain qualifications and pass an entry test. But it is certainly worth fighting for to get into this school, because the teachers

there are very experienced and patient, and almost every graduate from this

school can get into the top schools at higher levels。


3. What is your major?

I major in Business Administration. And I find business is a fascinating

world to explore. I am studying hard and hopefully one day Ill become a

successful businessman。

Notes:大学中的专业很多。首先考生必须明确自己专业的准确英文翻译。如果考生不知道自己专业的准确英文翻译,可以讲一个较大的领域,比如小麦植株培育可以说是botany、industrial farming,或者可以讲自己在某一个系别,现在还没有分专业。

4. Do you like your major and why?

Yes, of course. I like my major primarily because I am very much into

computer science. Since young Ive always been fascinated by the stories of

future technology, robots and supercomputers. Secondly, IT is a huge market

with wide profit margins. It has created a new generation of billionaires.

It is promising major that is bound to bring me a good career in the future.

That is precisely why I like my major。

Not really. Actually I didnt choose this major for myself. My parents

chose it for me. In addition, I find all the subjects I have to study for this

major very boring. I dont think I can learn much from them。

Notes:如果喜欢,不要简单的说I just like it,要有充分的理由,展现出自己理性的一面和逻辑的思维表达。比较常见的理由有三:1、有兴趣2、相对容易学习和毕业3、有较好的职业前景

5. What courses/subjects do you study?

There is a wide range of courses I study. Some are compulsory while others are optional. The two major compulsory courses are College English, including intensive reading, extensive reading, speaking etc., and College Math, including calculus, probability and statistics and so on. In addition, I also have chosen to study Art History and Psychology, which can all enrich my understanding of

human mind itself and the great works of human mind。

Notes: 高中考生可以按照自己文理科分科回答,大学的课程很多,可以大致将有选修和必修,然后简单提及一两个课程即可。例如必修课有:English, Calculus, Computer Basics; 选修课有:Art History, World Religions, Psychology。

6. What is your favorite course/subject?

My favorite course/subject is XXX, because, number one, it is very interesting. Number two, it is not very difficult to study. Number three, it is also very useful。


What is the most useful subject/course?

I think English is most useful subject. Because today communication plays such an important role is peoples lives, especially when the world is becoming a global village, where English is the primary spoken language. And thus good training in spoken English gives a person a competitive edge and more opportunities than those who cant speak it。

It is really a hard question. Though I dont think all subjects are useful, yet I do think most of them can be useful in different ways and in different times of life. Nonetheless, I think communication skills are essential for ones social and academic life; since English has become the lingua franca in global communication, I would say English, as far as Im concerned, is the most useful subject。


7. What would you like to do in the future?

I would like to see myself becoming a great businessman, using my brain to make money. I would always keep myself motivated to learn new things, to improve in all aspects of my business management. This may take me years to achieve. But Ill never give up, for without vision people perish。


I havent fully planned it out yet. But I guess I would like to be an accountant who works in an ordinary accounting firm, for I dont like too many ups and downs. I just would like to lead a simple and ordinary life。


What are the characteristics of schools in China?

Most Chinese schools, whether at primary, secondary or college level, are all very big in terms of student population, which I think is due to the large general population in China. In addition, most of the schools are public schools, though we have seen lots of private schools even colleges springing up in recent years.


What kinds of majors are available in China?

There are two main categories of majors: arts major and science major. Under the category of arts, there are business, law, language and literature for example. And under science, there are math, psychology, material science, computer science and many others。

中国大学专业一般以文理分科,文科叫arts major,理科叫science major,除此以外还有工科(engineering)例如:computer engineering,electronic engineering,mechanic engineering and design等等。

What do Chinese people think about teachers?

Teachers are generally respected in China. And there is even a saying in proof of this, a teacher of one day is a father of a lifetime。

Teaching is a very respectable profession in China. Because the traditional Chinese culture puts an enormous amount of emphasis on education, teachers are even dubbed a name the engineer of human soul。


Is teaching a popular job in China? Why or why not?

Well, I believe it is a popular job in China. First and foremost, teaching is a highly respectable profession in China. There is even an old saying in proof of this, a teacher of one day is a father of a lifetime。 Furthermore, teachers are also very well rewarded in many ways, both economically and spiritually。











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