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雅思口语Part1题库预测_Group Work团队工作

2024-08-09 13:42:27 来源:中国教育在线

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雅思口语Part1题库预测:Group Work团队工作

Do you prefer group-work or working alone?

I honestly don't mind working in either setting. You may think that working individually means you'll get things done quicker and with less hassle, but at the same time you may struggle for ideas and inspiration.


What are the benefits of group-work?

It can be useful to have more than one pair of eyes and ears working on a project. Group work allows a greater range of opinions to come to the fore and also shares the work around so the result isn't just dependent on one person.


Did you have any experience of group working when you were young? How about now?

We would occasionally have group projects when I was at school, but when it came to final grades we were mostly judged on individual work. Now that I am older and have a job, I work in groups much more regularly. I guess at school group work is about promoting teamwork, whereas in the work place it is about putting that teamwork into action to get the best result.


What is the most difficult part of group working?

Obviously working in a team leads to a greater number of ideas, but also opinions. It's great if everybody agrees or is willing to listen, but sometimes there can be a clash of heads when two or more people don't agree.


What kind of people would like to work in groups?

I think the sort of person who likes to work in a group is a good team player. They don't think they are better than other people or that their ideas are any more relevant, they are a good listener and are willing to get their head down and work hard for everybody. They might also be level headed and keep calm in heated situations.


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