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2024-08-10 09:20:13 来源:中国教育在线



What do you consider to be the most important room in a house? Why is this room more important to you than any other room? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.不同的人对于家里哪个房间最重要的说法肯定会有所不同:卧室、客厅、厨房可能是多数人的选择。但我有些不一般,因为我认为最重要的房间是卫生间。Different people are sure to have different views on which is the most important room in their houses. The bedroom, the sitting room, the kitchen may be their first choice, but I am unusual, for I hold that the most important room in my apartment is the bathroom.首先,不管卫生间的名字听起来意味着什么,但不可否认的是我们谁也离不开它。只要在家里,从晚上到早晨、从早晨到晚上,我们总要多次光顾它。而且,我们梳妆打扮、洗澡或不时的洗手与洗脸、在镜子里的自我欣赏差不多都是在卫生间里完成的。所以,卫生间对于我们来讲确实是太重要了。First of all, no matter what the name of washroom itself may suggest to us, one thing that we can not deny is: none of us can do without it. As long as we are at home, we will always have to visit it now and then, from sunrise to sunset. Moreover, most of the making up, dressing up, shower or bath taking, occasional hand or face washing as well as self-appreciating in the mirror is done in the washroom. Therefore, the washroom is indeed important to us.其次,卫生间是展示主人品味的窗口。每每有客人来访,卫生间必然会成为一个必去之地。里面的装修装饰怎么样、布置安排怎么样、温馨与否、便利与否都会涉及到主人的脸面,都会给客人留下某种印象,因为这一切都反映了主人的品位。Second, the washroom is a window displaying the taste of the host or hostess. Whenever there are home visitors, the washroom is sure to be a must. How it is decorated, what the arrangement is like, whether it is cozy and convenient will always leave some kind of impression on the guests and accordingly, involve the hosts face need because they all reflect the hosts taste for everything.当然,这并非说其它房间就不重要了。我们总要睡觉、休闲和吃饭,所以,卧室、客厅、厨房也非常重要。但是,论及以家里可对外开放的私密空间,卫生间恐怕是首当其冲的,所以,从这个意义上讲,卫生间的状况如何似乎更为关键些。Of course, this is not to say that other rooms in the house are not important. We all need to sleep, enjoy some leisure moments and have meals, so the bedroom, the sitting room and the kitchen are also very important. However, when speaking of the more private rooms that wed like to open to others, the washroom will, Im afraid, rank the first. Hence, in this sense, the condition of the washroom seems to be more critical.总之,考虑到卫生间在各方面的重要性,它成为对我而言家里最重要的房间。All in all, with the importance of all aspects of the washroom taken into account, it becomes, at least to me, the most important room at my home.23. People have various ways of relieving stress. What are some of the ways that you find most effective in relieving stress? Give reasons and examples to support your response.人们缓解压力的方式确实千差万别:有人痛哭,有人大笑,有人狂饮,有人狂舞,凡此种种,不一而足。可我感到对自己来讲最有效的方式是猛睡觉和散长步。The way or ways in which people relieve their stress are very much different: some cry, some laugh, some overdrink themselves and some dance wildly, so on and so forth, to name just a few. However, the two most effective ways that work on me are sleeping in and taking long walks.我们先来看看睡大觉的诸多好处。睡大觉可以使我们紧张、疲劳的神经得到休息。压力大时,我们往往会感到烦躁、容易上火,这只会加重我们的压力感。一有机会,猛睡一场,我们的神经就会得到相应的调整,从而有助于克服紧张和疲劳。另外,睡大觉可以使我们暂时把压力忘记。进入睡眠状态后,我们便不会再去思考压力的问题,一切的一切都暂时归于平静,等醒来的时候,压力感往往会变得小了。当然,睡大觉并非是随时随地都可以做到的,而是要找时间,在工作允许的情况下。Now lets look at the many advantages of sleeping in. Sleeping in may help ease our nervousness and give our exhausted nerves a break. While under pressure, we tend to be impatient and easily lose our temper which could only aggravate our feeling of pressure. Sleeping in once there is a chance can help adjust our nerves and this is conducive to getting over nervousness and tiredness. Furthermore, sleeping in can let us forget all about the stress for the time being. Once falling asleep, we would be free from thinking about the stress any longer and everything recedes to temporary tranquility, so when we wake up, the stress is not that strong anymore. Of course, we are unable to sleep in wherever we are and whenever we want to, rather, we need to find time, that is, when work allows us to do so.我们再来看看散长步的绝妙之处。散步本身就是最好的体育锻炼,可以使我们保持健康的身体,从而增强我们排压的能力和长远的健康。同时,散长步的过程中我们可以一边欣赏周围的景色,一边思考大脑中的问题。这样,我们一边锻炼,一边赏景,一边思考,三合一,压力也就成了很小的一部分烦扰了。Next, lets take a look at some of the positive points of taking long walks. As we know, taking a walk itself is the best form of exercise that can help us keep fit, thus improving our capability to alleviate or eradicate pressure which in turn makes for our long-term health. Meanwhile, taking long walks provides us with opportunities to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding sceneries and to think over the problems in our mind. Therefore, we are actually doing exercises, feasting our eyes on the sceneries and thinking about things at the same time: all three in one, which means that stress or pressure becomes only a small part of the whole process.总之,经过我多年的实际验证,这两种方式对于缓解,甚至是彻底排除压力具有极佳的效果,因此,我向朋友们高度推荐,希望它们在你的身上也能产生实际效果。In general, my own experience across the years has proved that the above mentioned two ways are the most effective in terms of relieving and even eradicating stress, so I highly recommend them to you and hope they would produce the same effect on you.


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