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2024-08-10 14:03:16 来源:中国教育在线



这类考题出现在,2007-8-25北京、哈尔滨、郑州、天津、长春、上海、杭州、南京、昆明、深圳、福州、南宁、长沙,下面来让我们看一下雅思议论文写作范文:在家工作的问题。雅思写作真题还原You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.More and more people are working at home rather than in the workplaces ,Some people say this will bring benefits to the workers and their families, but others think it will bring stress to the home. Discuss both views and give your own opinionUse your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.Write at least 250 words.题源分析题目要求我们分析关于在家工作的两种不同的观点。一种观点认为在家工作对雇员和其家庭都有好处,另一种却觉得在家工作会把工作中的压力带到家里。实际上,对于这个话题被公众讨论的很多了,是个很熟悉的话题。因此,写起来并不困难。推荐格式是:第一段:描述主题,点明要讨论的现象:在家工作的人们越来越多。第二段:讨论观点一,即在家工作对雇员和其家庭的好处:节省了每天花在交通上的时间、精力和金钱;能够自由安排自己的时间,更好的照顾家人。第三段:讨论观点二,即在家工作把压力带回了家:。模糊了上下班时间,使压力持续的时间更长而且影响家人。第四段:总结全文:在家工作并不适合所有的行业,要看具体情况而定。其他参考观点:赞成的理由:1.提高了员工的工作满意度,减低员工的流失率。2.节省办公空间和其他办公设备。反对的理由:1.不利于个人与其他同事的沟通。2.使员工获取信息的渠道变得狭窄。3.不利于公司内部的团队建设。经典范文欣赏:Progresses in telecommunication technology enable more and more people to work at home. This emerging working pattern is popular among young people, and it will have profound implications for our work and life. Some have a good round of applause for it, while others worry about its negative effects.Some people say that working at home can bestow numerous benefits upon the workers and their families. First of all, it spares the employee the daily chore of traveling back and forth to and from work, which inevitably save them a lot of time and money Also, it saves employees' energy so that they are able to work more efficiently Secondly, working at home means the employee can arrange his or her time more flexible as long as . they can meet the deadlines of the tasks. Thus, they can dedicate more time to their: spouse and children, which is obviously helpful to strength family ties and salvage dysfunctional marriage.However, other people insist that working at home brings stresses to the home. They think that this working pattern will blur the conventional distinctions between working hours and rest time. In this way, the stress of working tasks may last for an even longer period and it may probably spread to every corner of the home. And all the members in the family will inevitably be influenced by the pressure. Besides, working at home will also generate much trouble to both companies and individuals.All in all, in my opinion, we should view the working pattern dialectically It indeed frees the workers but not everyone or every industry is suitable for it We'd _better not choose it blindly without considering our characteristics and working industry.


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