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2024-08-11 12:19:37 来源:中国教育在线




You may think you're helpingbut you're just screwing things up more.

This is your brain on an argument

When you argue, you are at your most animal. Your brain literally enters fight-or-flight mode, your heart-rate escalates, and logic and reasoning physically shut down. It's little wonder you usually say a lot of bonehead things you end up regretting in the morning. Don't worry: We are all guilty of the same stupidity, and sometimes the key to a painless argument is what you don'tsay. For starters, here are six research-backed phrases proven to make any bad argument worse.




Don't mention getting calm

According to parenting experts and hostage negotiators alike, the biggest mistake most people make in an argument is denying the other persons feelings. Think for a moment if the words calm down have ever actually made you calmer. More than likely, theyve only ever made you feel more annoyedWhy does this person think Im overreacting? He doesnt understand me at all!

Telling a person to calm down assigns them a negative emotion (be it anger, anxiety, stubbornness, etc.) while denying their actual feelings. This seeming lack of empathy can be detrimental to reaching a mutual understanding, which is a far more important outcome than winning an argument. So instead of telling your companion how to feel, seek first to understand how they feel. Step one: listen.




Don't try to quiet their emotions

Always let the other person vent, no matter how long or loud that venting may be. If the emotional level is high, your first task is to take some of the emotion out, says Linda Hill, professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. Hold back and let them say their piece. You dont have to agree with it, but listen.

Often times, just talking honestly about a problem is enough to make a person feel better about it (hence, therapy). And as an argument participant, know that every word your companion says is a step toward mutual understanding. Just be careful how you approach it.




Don't fake-empathize

This stock phrase almost always comes across wrong; you may be trying to say, your emotions are valid, but the other person will more likely hear, I get itso stop talking. Instead of merely saying you understand someones feelings, show them by doing what FBI negotiators do: paraphrase.

The idea is to really listen to what the other side is saying and feed it back to them, says FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss. Its kind of a discovery process for both sides. First of all, youre trying to discover whats important to them, and secondly, youre trying to help them hear what theyre saying to find out if what they are saying makes sense. If everyones on the same page, you can start moving toward reconciliation.




Don't tell someone how to feel

It may sound to you like youre acknowledging the other persons feelings, but by adding a should or shouldnt you are condemning and judging them just as much. Psychologists call this subtractive empathya response that diminishes and distorts what the other person has just said, often making them feel worse.

Instead of judging a feeling, try giving it a concrete name by saying something like, You sound pretty hurt about [problem]. It doesnt seem fair. Thats what psychologists call additive empathyit identifies a feeling, then adds a new layer of understanding that can lead to a potential solution. Think you have a solution? Be careful how you phrase it.




Don't tell someone what to do

When the fight-or-flight response is triggered, power becomes deceptively crucial to us. Telling someone what to do takes away their power; if they listen to your advice, they may feel less smart or less autonomous, and they will resent you for that. Whats more, insisting that an answer depends solely on the other person changing their behavior removes personal responsibility from the equation, and thats no way to make friends or learn from your mistakes.

The superior phrase: What would you like me to do? This handy question leaves the other person with their autonomy, and proves youre willing to meet them halfway. It also moves your brains away from fight mode, and closer to the land of logical compromise.




Don't force a resolution

Never fret if you cant settle an argument in one shot. According to relationship psychologist John Gottman, PhD, 69 percent of a couples problems are perpetualthey will never be resolved. By fighting over [inherent] differences, all [couples] succeed in doing is wasting their time and harming their marriage, Gottman says.

While this may sound depressing to anyone new to a serious relationship, its meant to be liberating. Once you realize some arguments can never be won, it makes them that much easier to drop. You fight. You make up. You move on with life. Despite what your fight-or-flight brain chemistry is telling you, winning doesnt matter; most of the time, it isnt even possible.









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