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2024-08-12 13:50:04 来源:中国教育在线



这类话题曾经出现在:2007-1-20北京、济南、天津、沈阳、上海、南京、杭州、合肥、重庆、广州、福州、南宁、海口、长沙;2005-7-9北京,、长沙、青岛、郑州、西安、上海、南京、杭州、合肥、成都、深圳、福州、南宁,下面来让我们看一下雅思写作议论文范文:医疗教育费用的具体内容吧。 雅思真题还原You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but other people think it's not government's responsibility. Discuss both views and give your own opinion。Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.Write at least 250 words.题源分析此题题干包含两大观点:一是一些人支持政府承担医疗教育费用;二是另一些人不支持政府支付医疗教育费用。题目要求我们对两个观点分别进行分析,原因分析完之后,还要摆明个人的立场。我们在写作时可按照这个大致思路进行:陈述双方的观点,对两类不同的观点分别进行论述,再提出个人看法。推荐格式是:第一段:简要复述题千,阐明两种不同的观点:有人认为政府应该支付医疗教育费用,有人认为不应该。第二段:讨论第一个观点并给出原因:一些人认为政府应负担医疗教育费用,因为普通人支付不起这些费用。另外,作为纳税人,理应享受相应的福利。第三段:讨论第二个观点并给出原因:另外一些人却坚持支付这些费用不是政府的责任,个人是医疗和教育的最终受益者,应由个人支付。第四段:给出个人观点:医疗教育费用要个人和政府等多方努力共同承担。其他参考观点:支持政府承担医疗教育费用的理由:1.保证了穷人接受教育和医疗的权利。2.国家系统管理,有助于教育和医疗工作的开展。3.人们省去了一大笔开支,有助于提高人们的生活质量。.不支持政府承担医疗教育费用的理由:1.政府承担医疗教育费用会加重政府的经济压力。2.政府在医疗教育方面的资金投入,会影响政府在国防、科研和太空探索等其他方面的投入。经典范文 Health care and education are valued as two of the major institutions in almost every society. They are also very expensive operations, so it is important to consider carefully who should pay for them. Some people think that the government should pay for the health care and education; while other people hold the strong belief that paying for them is not the responsibility of the government.Some agree that government should shoulder the responsibility of spending money on health care and education, they hold the view that many people in our society cannot earn enough money to pay for these services. Only when the government pays for health care and education can they have chance to study or receive medical care. In addition, all the people have paid taxes to country legally? so they ate entitled to enjoy the corresponding welfare benefits like education and medical care.However, other people do not think so. They claim that it s not government s responsibility to fund education and medical care. They take it for granted that health care and education, just like commodities, should be paid by the recipients. The recipients are the final beneficiary of health care and education. For example, people who have received higher education have more chances to get a good job, and can earn more money than those who have not received education. In this sense, the recipients should pay for the advantages that they have received.As far as I am concerned, the government and the individuals should share the responsibility of funding health care and education. Specifically, the government can provide a basic education free for children and the parents should pay for the higher education. As for the health care expenditure, it calls for joint unremitting efforts by government, company and individuals.


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