2024-08-26 11:19:36 来源:中国教育在线
听力部分(General Training和Academic试卷一致)
40分钟(含10分钟誊写答案的时间),通常考生会听到4段语音(独白部分及2人或多人对话部分)。四段录音,难度随考试的进行而递增。 独白及对话部分将听到不同的英语口音和方言。共给40小题作答,你将只听到一次语音,不会重复(边听边作答)此部分。所以学生作答时,千万别等待语音结束才作答(不要回头作答),考生可把答案先写在试卷上,30分钟会话结束后,利用额外10分钟,再誊写在答案纸上。
阅读部分(General Traning和Academic试卷不同)
概况:60分钟。共3篇文章(阅读量极大) 40个题目
Academic类与General training类的考题都以三大段的文章为基本结构,内容多样,甚至有时以图表、表格的方式出现,学生答题的方式亦有多种答题形式,共40题. 阅读部分的主题并不是为了考察学生对学术的.专业度或认知度,所以学生千万别因对主题的陌生而紧张起来。考生将阅读三篇文章并回答文后问题。文章从书本、杂志、期刊及报纸上选取,不需读者具备专业知识。至少有一篇文章包含详细的论证。每一篇文章所需要回答的问题数量并不相同。每一道问题相对应一个分数。文章内容和题目均出现于问卷中。雅思阅读考试中所出现的文章是由真实的文章改写而成的。这些文章来源于诸如杂志、期刊、书籍和报纸等途径,与考生未来在大学课程中将阅读到的文章极为相似。文章还包括了非文字性的内容,比如图表、曲线图、以及画图等。文章的写作方式多样,比如记叙文、说明文或者议论文等文体。文章的内容包含即将学习本科、研究生课程或进行职业注册的考生所感兴趣的、与其认知程度相符的常见话题。其中,至少一篇文章会出现详尽的论述形式。所有文章总计长度约在2000到2750字之间。A类与G类内容相同之处在于A类除生活化范畴之外,加入考生在学业上、学术上的探讨与了解。
写作部分(General Traning和Academic试卷不同)
写作包括两篇作文题目,Task 1和Task 2,前一篇150字,后一篇250字。原则上建议考生前一篇作文用20分钟,后一篇用40分钟,因为后一篇文章分值更高。第一部分,要求考生根据给出的表格或图表,写一篇大约150字的文章,考查考生描述及分析数据的能力。第二部分,要求考生针对某个问题或观点,写一篇大约250字的短文,考生要求能够使用恰当语气及语域(包括词汇、语法等)讨论问题,并展开论证。A类写作部分,全部1小时时间,2大单元(Task1 2)
(Task 1)通常考题以图片、表格坐标、曲线图为基本形式,考生根据所给的资料,写出150个字以上的文章来叙述主题,组织并探讨主题,提出比较支持的论点。该部分考察的是考生在图表或表格中选择最重要和最相关的信息、并对这些信息进行清晰描述的能力。
(Task 2) A类与G类非常类似,考生就考题的主题,用250字详加发表意见,通常考生被要求用几种方式之一来做为架构解决问题、表达自己的意见、支持或争辩考题所给予的讯息。该部分考察的是考生对一个论点进行论述、并提供清晰的论据或举例支持论点的能力。
Section 1 租房房屋保险 10填空
Section 2 国家植树大会 7填空,3选择
Section 3 男女对话选专业 5选择,5匹配
Section 4 IT科技对世界的帮助,一个学校IT学院引入了新的模式 10填空
Section 1
1-10) Note Completion
1. Address: 19 Hallway Deighton
2. Daytime telephone: 01295 477039
3. House layout with: 3 bedrooms
4. Age of the house: 40 years old
5. Property type house: construction material stone.
6. With garage
7. Security feature need to be installed: alarm
8. Office equipment
9. Content in the freezer
10. Move in date: 1st April.
Section 2
11-17) Table Completion
11. 20 million trees are planned since the 1st festival planning day
12. It also provides shade in hot water.
13. It can lessen noise of cars.
14. It can reduce people’s stress levels.
15. It can reduce the risk of flooding.
16. Not convenient for people to reconstruct rural area.
17. Because of changes in climate and insects bring diseases.
18-20) Multiple Choice
18. B. Make art from wood.
19. A. Art exhibition.
20. E. New publication.
Section 3
21-24) Multiple Choice
21. Why does the man choose the polytechnic over university course?
A. he has been to many places
B. he has worked in the field
C. he has a good prospects
22. What advantages does he have gained?
A. business working experience
B. financial planning
C. interpersonal skills
23. What ability does he have in travelling?
A. independence
B. patience
C. tolerance
24. What does the tutor think about ecotourism?
A. it needs commitment
B. it is cheaper
C. it is more popular and more practical
25-30) Matching
25. Travel and business tourist and economy --- D. intensive learning class
26. Culture --- C. self-defense
27. Japanese and Mandarin ---- A. language skills
28. Mechanic operations ---- B. medicine skills
29. Festival events ---- F. flexible entry
30. Computing of tourism --- E. customer relationship
Section 4
31-40) Sentence Completion
31. First of all, using email failed to
32. Great relationship with local economy
33. Mainly apply computer teaching methods
34. Enjoy communication with
35. Build up greater confidence
36. More flexible approaches
37. Offer new materials
38. New solutions to new problems
39. Develop time management skills
40. Subsides the student’s supplement of income
Passage 1:
题型:段落信息配对题7 + 填空6
Invention of Marine Chronometer
It was, as Dava Sobel has described a phenomenon: ‘the greatest scientific problem of the age’. The reality was that in the 18th century no one had ever made a clock that could suffer the great rolling and pitching of a ship and the large changes in temperature whilst still keeping time accurately enough to be of any use. Indeed, most of the scientific community thought such clock impossibility. Knowing one’s position on the earth requires two very simple but essential coordinates; rather like using a street map where one thinks in terms of how far one is up/down and how far side to side.
The longitude is a measure of how far around the world one has come from home and has no naturally occurring base line like the equator. The crew of a given ship was naturally only concerned with how far round they were from their own particular home base. Even when in the middle of the ocean, with no land in sight, knowing this longitude position is very simple in theory. The key to knowing how far around the world you are from home is to know, at that very moment, what time it is back home. A comparison with your local time (easily found by checking the position of the Sun) will then tell you the time difference between you and home, and thus how far round the Earth you are from home.
Up until the middle of the 18th century, navigators had been unable to determine their position at sea with accuracy and they faced the huge attendant risks of shipwreck or running out of supplies before reaching their destination. The angular position of Moon and other bright stars was recorded in three hour intervals of Greenwich Time. In order to determine longitude, sailors had to measure the angle between Moon center and a given star—lunar distance—together with height of both planets using the naval sextant. The sailors also had to calculate the Moon’s position if seen form the center of Earth. Time corresponding to Greenwich Time was determined using the natitical almanac. Then the difference between the obtained time and local time served for calculation in longitude from Greenwich. The great flaw in this ‘simple’ theory was-how does the sailor know time back home when he is in the middle of an ocean?
The obvious and again simple answer is that he takes an accurate clock with him, which he sets to home time before leaving. All he has to do is keep it wound up and running, and he must never reset the hands throughout the voyage This clock then provides ‘home time’, so if, for example, it is midday on board your ship and your ‘home time’ clock says that at that same moment it is midnight at home, you know immediately there is a twelve hour time difference and you must be exactly round the other side of the world, 180 degrees of longitude from home.
After 1714 when the British government offered the huge sum of £20,000 for a solution to the problem, with the prize to be administered by the splendidly titled Board of Longitude. The Government prize of £20,000 was the highest of three sums on offer for varying degrees of accuracy, the full prize only payable for a method that could find the longitude at sea within half a degree. If the solution was to be by timekeeper (and there were other methods since the prize was offered for any solution to the problem), then the timekeeping required to achieve this goal would have to be within 2.8 seconds a day, a performance considered impossible for any clock at sea and unthinkable for a watch,even under the very best conditions.
It was this prize, worth about £2 million today, which inspired the self-taught Yorkshire carpenter, John Harrison, to attempt a design for a practical marine clock.
During the latter part of his early career, he worked with his younger brother James. Their first major project was a revolutionary turret clock for the stables at Brockelsby Park, seat of the Pelham family. The clock was revolutionary because it required no lubrication. 18th century clock oils were uniformly poor and one of the major causes of failure in clocks of the period. Rather than concentrating on improvements to the oil, Harrison designed a clock which didn’t need it. In 1730 Harrison created a description and drawings for a proposed marine clock to compete for the Longitude Prize and went to London seeking financial assistance. He presented his ideas to Edmond Halley, the Astronomer Royal. Halley referred him to George Graham, the country’s foremost clockmaker. He must have been impressed by Harrison, for Graham personally loaned Harrison money to build a model of his marine clock. It took Harrison five years to build Harrison Number One or HI. He demonstrated it to members of the Royal Society who spoke on his behalf to the Board of Longitude. The clock was the first proposal that the Board considered to be worthy of a sea trial.
After several attempts to design a betterment of H1, Harrison believed that the solution to the longitude problem lay in an entirely different design. H4 is completely different from the other three timekeepers. It looks like a very large pocket watch. Harrison’s son William set sail for the West Indies, with H4, aboard the ship Deptford on 18 November 1761. It was a remarkable achievement but it would be some time before the Board of Longitude was sufficiently satisfied to award Harrison the prize.
John Hadley, an English mathematician, developed sextant, who was a competitor of Harrison at that time for the luring prize. A sextant is an instrument used for measuring angles, for example between the sun and the horizon, so that the position of a ship or aeroplane can be calculated. Making this measurement is known as sighting the object, shooting the object, or taking a sight and it is an essential part of celestial navigation. The angle, and the time when it was measured, can be used to calculate a position line on a nautical or aeronautical chart. A sextant can also be used to measure the Lunar distance between the moon and another celestial object (e.g., star, planet) in order to determine Greenwich time which is important because it can then be used to determine the longitude.
The majority within this next generation of chronometer pioneers were English, but the story is by no means wholly that of English achievement. One French name, Pierre Le Roy of Paris, stands out as a major presence in the early history of the chronometer. Another great name in the story is that of the Lancastrian, Thomas Earnshaw, a slightly younger contemporary of John Arnold’s. It was Earnshaw who created the final form of chronometer escapement, the spring detent escapement, and finalized the format and the production system for the marine chronometer, making it truly an article of commerce, and a practical means of safer navigation at sea over the next century and half.
1. E
2. A
3. I
4. D
5. B
6. H
7. B
8. home time
9. 2.8s
10. oil
11. sextant
12. sun
13. marine chronometer
Passage 2:
题目:How deserts are formed
题型:段落信息配对题 7 + 判断题 6
Passage 3:
题名:Research in sleep
题型:人名观点配对题6 + 填空7 + 选择1
1-6 暂无
7. breathing eating
8. babies
9. brain temperature fall
10. brain activity
11. new drug
12. vigorous exercise
13. D
Writing Task 1
The diagram shows how to recycle various wastes to produce natural fertilizers.
A 2Mcontainer full of air is needed at first. Subsequently, three wastes, namely food, grass and waste newspapers are stacked accordingly in the repeated order until the container is fully filled up. After the preparation, if the weather is hot enough, nitrogen and water will be instilled into the container. During the next 6 months, the waste mixture will be heated in a sealed chamber until it turns into compost where there are many worms to make it turn to fertilizer. Finally, the natural fertilizer will be used in gardening.
Overall, the production of natural fertilizer is quite complicated, requiring different elements including weather, space and ingredients.
Writing Task 2
As the major city continue to grow, what kind of problems may the young people face? How to solve these problems?
参考范文(Word Count:332)
With the improvement of technology and the development of local economy, an increasing number of major cities become more prosperous than before. Simultaneously, it is inevitable that it induces a host of difficulties that young people have to confront with. Therefore, the essay aims to explore its problems regarding such a trend and bring up effective solutions.
The issues faced by young groups come as follows. Firstly, the air quality in center cities is more likely to become worse when it continuously develops. It is commonly acknowledged that there is a larger population in those cities because of many reasons, such as more working opportunities, which leads to that there are more vehicles, private or public. Undoubtedly, the gas emitted by transportation also doubles or even triples than that of suburban or rural areas and citizens have to suffer from this, after which their body conditions are more likely to become less healthy. Furthermore, one of the difficulties they may encounter is about the living expenses. It is common that the current generation often complain about the difficulty of job hunting and numerous new graduates may find it arduous to secure a satisfactory employment, because of which many graduates still need to rely on their parents for financial support. Meanwhile, many youngsters have to rent a small room for living because buying a house is unrealistic for most young people, which lowers the life quality of them.
In order to solve this problem, there are several possible approaches that could be taken. Firstly, young people are encouraged to take various physical exercise by using their spare time in order to strengthen their body resistance. Secondly, young people should be more ambitious and practical simultaneously. Neither should they give up fighting easily, nor should they only have slogans but no action.
In conclusion, dangerous health condition and living burden are two questions young people may have currently. In order to address these problems, young people are still the determinant role to stimulate them.
1. a business leader that you admire
2. a rule at your school that you agree or disagree
3. an activity you do to keep fit
4. a public park or garden
5. a special cake you ate before
完整版 | 9-12月雅思口语题库-Part 1
完整版 | 9-12月雅思口语题库-Part23(上)
完整版 | 9-12月雅思口语题库-Part23(下)
Describe a business leader that you admire
You should say:
Who this person is
How you got to know this person
What skills he or she has for leadership
And explain why you think he or she is a good leader
I would really like to talk about Steve Jobs. I know him because I care about the products of advanced technology and he was one of the most influential persons in the era.
In fact, Jobs wasn’t a typical leader in himself. He was mostly a loner in his childhood, loving mechanics instead of popularity. It is said that he was often bullied in his sixth grade, and that was the reason why they moved to a better school district.
So how could such a socially awkward loner become the CEO of Apple Inc.? Now here comes my favourite part. He had what we call insight. I still remember when there were two kinds of touch screen. One is called resistive touch screen and the other capacitive screen. The former one can hardly realize Multi-Touch. As a consequence, this kind of equipment cannot provide as good operation experience as capacitive screen can do. But they are cheaper. At that time, most of the companies decided to use resistive screen. Jobs, however, insisting on providing the best experience, determinedly held on to the capacitive screen, which then was proved to be preferred by the market.
And that’s why I admire him. He was a loner in school just like me. Though my problem was not being too brilliant but being too nave, I can still understand the feeling of isolation. But Jobs stuck to himself, ignoring whatever actions others took and accomplished his pursuit. I hope that I can be just like him.
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