2014年6月英语六级阅读答案(第3套 长篇阅读)
http://en.jybest.cn 中国教育在线 2014-06-14 大 中 小
中国教育在线讯 6月14日下午,2014年6月六级考试结束,中国教育在线第一时间发布六级真题及答案。
长篇阅读 Lessons From a Feminist Paradise
J 46. Sweden has done more than other nations to close the gender gap, but it continues to exist.
I 47. Sweden is one of the most competitive economies in the world and its people enjoy the greatest life satisfaction.
M 48. More American women hold elite job positions in business than Swedish women.
D 49. Swedish family-friendly policies tend to exert a negative influence on women’s career.
A 50. The quota system in Sweden ensures women’s better representation in government.
H 51. Though the Swedish model appears workable for most American parents, it may not be accepted by them in its entirely.
M 52. Swedish women are allowed the freedom and opportunity to choose their own way of life.
E 53. Swedish employers are hesitant about hiring women for full-time positions because of the family-friendly policies.
A 54. Gender-awareness education is becoming more and more popular in state-subsidized preschools in Sweden.
C 55. Some lawmakers in Sweden propose the genderless pronouns be used in the Swedish language.
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