http://en.jybest.cn 新东方 2015-09-15 大 中 小
Wines: It is produced after the fermentation process of grape juice is complete. It is said that the longer the aging process, the better it tastes. ABV (alcohol by volume) - 9% to 16%.
Beers: Beer is made after the fermenting and brewing process is done. The use of wheat, corn, barley, and rice is essential to make beer. ABV - 2% to 4%.
Spirits: It is simply a term used to describe unsweetened and distilled alcoholic beverages.
Spirits include
Brandy: Short for brandy wine, this is a distilled wine. This drink is usually consumed after dinner. ABV- 30% to 60%.
Gin: To produce gin, juniper berries and white grain spirit are distilled. ABV - 37% to 40%。
Liqueurs: This spirit is obtained when various flavors like herbs, cream, spices, flowers, and fruits is combined. ABV - 15% to 30%.
Rum: A distilled alcoholic drink which is produced after the fermentation of sugarcane or molasses is done. ABV - 40% to 55%。
朗姆酒:用甘蔗压出来的糖汁,经过发酵、蒸馏而成。ABV: 40%—55%.
Tequila: The use of a plant, blue agave(found in a town in Mexico) is important to make tequila. The various colors of tequila is obtained due to aging process, method, and time duration. ABV - 35% to 40%。
龙舌兰酒:龙舌兰酒又称“特基拉酒”,是墨西哥的特产,被称为墨西哥的灵魂。龙舌兰成熟后割下送至酒厂,再被割成两半后泡洗24小时,然后榨出汁来,汁水加糖送入发酵柜中发酵两天至两天半,然后经两次蒸馏,陈酿时间不同,颜色和口味差异很大。ABV: 35%—40%.
Vodka: Again a distilled drink which is transparent (it's clear). Vodka contains purified ethanol and water which at times goes through various stages of distillation. It is fermented from potatoes, wheat or rye, corn, or sugar beet molasses. ABV - 25% to 37%.
伏特加酒:是一种经蒸馏处理的酒精饮料,是由水和经蒸馏净化的乙醇所合成的透明液体。在蒸馏过程中除水和乙醇外亦会加入马铃薯、菜糖浆及黑麦或小麦,如果是制作有味道的伏特加更会加入适量的调味料。ABV: 25%—37%.
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