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健康讲堂:宝宝不宜经常洗澡      2007-06-19    



Too much bathing bad for babies

Bathing babies too often may cause skin problems such as eczema and rashes, experts warn.

  Bathing babies too often may cause skin problems such as eczema and rashes, experts warn.

  Today's infants are twice as likely to suffer from skin problems than their parents, a British survey of 2000 parents has found. And scientists in Europe have found infants who swim regularly in chlorinated indoor pools are more at risk of developing asthma and bronchitis.

  Child-care experts say parents are ignoring advice to limit baths to two to three times a week due to concerns about keeping babies clean and germ free.

  The British Mother And Baby magazine survey found six out of 10 babies were bathed every day, 20 per cent were bathed every other day and only 19 per cent were bathed the recommended two to three times a week.

  In addition, 60 per cent of mothers used antiseptic wipes on their children's faces and hands, some more than five times a day.

  Mother And Baby editor Elena Dalrymple said a baby's skin was five times thinner than an adult's and required very gentle treatment.

  "It's not a good idea to bath baby every day. Two or three times a week is plenty," she said.

  Anne O'Neill, a dermatologist at the Children's Hospital at Westmead, said babies did not get dirty until they began crawling.

  "We really don't have to be quite as fastidious unless the child has an immune deficiency," she said.

  The survey found 37 per cent of baby boys and 33 per cent of baby girls had skin problems - more than double that of their parents' generation.

  Meanwhile, a European study published in the journal Pediatrics this month found exposure to chemicals in indoor swimming pools might alter the lining of the lungs, predisposing infants to airway disease in later years.

  The lead author, Alfred Bernard of Belgium's National Fund for Scientific Research, said a possible culprit was the chemical trichloramine, a by-product of the chlorine used to clean public pools.







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