http://en.jybest.cn 中国日报网英语点津 2007-07-17 大 中 小
Hayek named Hollywood's sexiest celeb
Salma Hayek has been named Hollywood's Sexiest Celebrity. |
Salma Hayek has been named Hollywood's Sexiest Celebrity.
The 40-year-old Latina actress claimed the top spot after 65 per cent of US people polled said she had sex appeal.
The average star is considered desirable by just 15 per cent of the American public, according to E-Poll Market Research.
Matthew McConaughey is the highest ranked male with 39 per cent, which only secured him 41st position in a female dominated list of 3,000 celebrities.
Sin City star Jessica Alba, 26, claimed second place, while Beyonce Knowles, 25, and Halle Berry , 40, were placed joint fifth.
Alba, Knowles and 25-year-old Jessica Biel - who came joint ninth - were the only women in their 20s to make the top 40.
Biel shares ninth place with 42-year-old Elizabeth Hurley and 66-year-old Raquel Welch .
Pamela Anderson , who recently turned 40, was placed 14th.
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