http://en.jybest.cn 中国日报网英语点津 2007-08-29 大 中 小
Bill Clinton to be interviewed by Oprah
Oprah Winfrey and US former president Bill Clinton |
Clinton's appearance was announced Monday in an e-mail - "The first interview about his new passion!" - sent to members of Winfrey's book club.
Winfrey, who interviewed Clinton in 2004 for his memoir "My Life," has good reason to think highly of the new book. "Giving" praises Winfrey's "Angel Network," which has donated millions of dollars around the world, from money for schools in Africa to relief aid for victims of Hurricane Katrina.
The book also includes comments from Winfrey, who was asked why she started the Angel Network, and another charitable organization, the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls.
"I wanted to give back what I was given," she replied. "Everyone wants to matter."
Clinton has other interviews planned next week, including one with Larry King on CNN and with David Letterman on CBS television's "Late Show."
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