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布什相中菲尔普斯做女婿 自愿为女儿撮合  新华网    2008-08-27    



George Bush wants Michael Phelps as son-in-law?



  With eight Olympic gold medals in hand, American Michael Phelps becomes a hot golden bachelor in his country. Now Barbara Bush, George Bush's unmarried daughter, seems to have a crush on Phelps, after the president acted as go-between, U.S. media reported on Tuesday.

  "Barbara, 26, often talked about Phelps, 23, with her friends even before the Beijing Olympic Games," the Globe Magazine was quoted as saying.


  From her words Barbara apparently admired Phelps' swimming skills and believed he could win many gold medals. Like other American girls, Barbara also regarded Phelps as a charming and handsome athlete, and Prince Charming in her heart.

  George Bush was not only with Barbara on this point but also would like to play Cupid.

  In order to hook up Barbara with Phelps, George Bush took Barbara to watch Phelps' competition at the National Aquatics Center, or Water Cube where Phelps began his unprecedented eight-gold quest in men's 400 individual medley final on Aug. 10.

  When Phelps started his final charge with the freestyle, Barbara stood up in cheers, waving an American national flag.

  After Phelps finnaly won the gold medal, George Bush congratulated Phelps on his success and "incidentally" introduced Barbara to him, according to the Globe Magazine.

  On Aug. 17,  George Bush appeared very excited of Phelps' achieving historic feat of eight golds and invited him to be a special guest in White House next month.

  Bush also mentioned he will let Barbara accompany Phelps during the stay.






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