歼十战机空中停车 飞行员沉着应对104秒迫降
http://en.jybest.cn 新华网 2009-03-23 大 中 小
China's fighter plane makes forced landing for engine failure
A Jian 10 (Fighter-10), China's most advanced military jet, had made a successful forced landing during a training flight after an engine failure, China Central Television (CCTV) reported Sunday.
When the pilot Li Feng was exercising a difficult action in the fighter on March 7 at the height of 4,500 meters, a warning popped up on the screen, the report said.
Li, a deputy regiment commander of the Air force, realized the plane might lose power at any time and requested to return after a quick check on the engine.
The engine stopped working when the fighter was 7 kilometers away from the airport. Then the fighter began to fall at a speed of 25 meters per second, it reported.
Striving to adjust the aircraft pose, Li steered the fighter into the runway through inertia.
Though the drag parachute failed to work, the pilot managed to bring the plane to a stop after it taxied down the runway for 1,400 meters, according to the report, noting that the forced landing took 104 seconds.
China unveiled the Jian-10 in January 2007. With proprietary intellectual property rights (IPR), the Jian-10 heralds the thirdgeneration of Chinese fighter aircraft.
Military observers say the Jian-10 can not match the United States' fourth-generation fighter aircraft in performance but its basic design and onboard equipment are comparable to those of mainstream fighter aircraft in the West.
The committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) of the Air Force has decided to bestow Li Feng with a first-class merit and an honorary medal for his outstanding performance as a pilot.
3 月7日下午,李峰驾驶该型战机执行战术机动任务,在距机场54公里、离地高度3320米时,飞机发动机振动值突然超限告警,指挥员和飞行员果断决定立即返场。在1170米高度时飞机发动机停车,失去动力。紧接着,状态仪表失效。通常情况下,飞行员应跳伞逃生,但李峰临危不惧,请求场内滑翔迫降。1分44秒后,失去动力的飞机安全降落。据悉,李峰飞行技术精湛并有丰富的特情处置经验,1998年曾成功处置一起某型战机起飞阶段着火特情。
据了解,世界各国军队新型战机列装初期均容易发生严重飞行事故。空军扎实开展整治思想作风、思想观念,整治技术基础、专业能力,整治组训能力、模式机制的“ 三项整治”活动,从难从严加强新装备训练,扎实打牢部队安全训练基础,科学组织攻关高险难课目,深入研究各种特情处置方法,使飞行员队伍具备了过硬的技术能力和心理素质。此前,李峰曾对不同空域模拟空滑迫降的数据进行过细致计算和研究,并成功实施了模拟空滑迫降飞行。
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