美国一架F-22战机坠落加州 驾驶员情况不明
http://en.jybest.cn 新华网 2009-03-26 大 中 小
U.S. F-22 fighter crashes in California
A U.S. F-22 fighter jet crashed Wednesday on a test flight near Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California, a spokeswoman said.
The accident occurred at 10 a.m. local time in Kern County, about 50 kilometers northeast of the base, according to Kristina Constant of Edwards Air Force Base.
Constant said the fate of the pilot was not immediately clear, adding that an investigation into the cause of the crash was underway.
In Washington, a Pentagon spokeswoman confirmed the crash but provided no further information.
Edwards Air Force Base, about 150 kilometers north of Los Angeles, is designated as the flight test center for the U.S. Air Force. It is also home to a NASA flight research center.
It is reported that almost every U.S. military aircraft since the 1950s has been at least partially tested at the base.
The F-22 fighter, which uses stealth technology, is considered a major component of the U.S. military's air strike force.
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