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http://en.jybest.cn 新华网 2009-04-15 大 中 小
IAEA inspectors asked to leave DPRK
The IAEA inspectors were asked to leave the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), according to a statement issued here by IAEA spokesperson Marc Vidricaire on Tuesday.
"The Democratic People's Republic of Korea has today informed IAEA inspectors in the Yongbyon facility that it is immediately ceasing all cooperation with the IAEA," the statement said.
"It has requested the removal of all containment and surveillance equipment, following which, IAEA inspectors will no longer be provided access to the facility. The inspectors have also been asked to leave the DPRK at the earliest possible time."
The DPRK informed the IAEA "that it has decided to reactivate all facilities and go ahead with the reprocessing of spent fuel," according to the statement.
The DPRK's move came one day after the UN Security Council adopted a presidential statement on the country's recent rocket launch, saying it was "in contravention of Security Council resolution 1718" and demanding the country "not conduct any further launch."
The DPRK said earlier on Tuesday that it will withdraw from the six party talks which aims at denuclearizing the impoverished country.
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