奥斯卡最佳影片——女王 The Queen
http://en.jybest.cn 竞学网 2007-04-29 大 中 小
片名:The Queen
导演:史蒂芬-弗里尔斯Stephen Frears
主演:海伦-米伦 Helen Mirren
迈克尔-辛Michael Sheen
詹姆斯-克伦威尔James Cromwell
西尔维娅-西姆斯Sylvia Syms
The Queen takes audiences (听众,观众) behind the scenes of one of the most shocking (骇人听闻的,震惊的) public events of recent times - providing an illuminating, deeply affecting (感人的,动人的) and dramatic glimpse into what happens in the corridors of power when tragedy strikes. The setting for this fictional (虚构的,小说式的) account of real events is no less than the private chambers of the Royal Family and the British government in the wake of the sudden death of Princess Diana in August of 1997. In the immediate aftermath (后果,结果) of the Princess' passing the tightly contained, tradition-bound world of the Queen of England (Dame Helen Mirren) is abruptly (突然地,唐突地) brought into conflict with the slick modernity of the country's brand new, image-conscious Prime Minister, Tony Blair (Michael Sheen). The result is an intimate, yet thematically epic, battle between private and public, reponsibility and emotion, custom and action - as a grieving nation waits to see what its leaders will do.
With a screenplay drawn from extensive interviews, devoted research, discreet (小心的,谨慎的)sources and informed imagination, as well as tour de force portrayals (描画,描写) of living figures of power. The Queen provides a stunningly fresh portrait of one of the modern world's last great monarchs as she has never been seen before - as a vulnerable (脆弱的,易受攻击的) human being in her darkest hour, amidst the unprecedented (空前的) media madness, stark, emotions and PR maneuvering set in motion by Diana's death.
1. corridors of power:权力走廊,暗中左右决策的权利中心
2. no less than:正如
3. in the wake of:尾随,紧跟,效仿
4. tour de force:绝技
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