周杰伦导演《熊猫人》 要做华人版蝙蝠侠
http://en.jybest.cn 新华网 2009-02-18 大 中 小
Jay Chou creates super-pandamen
2月16日下午,由九洲音像出版公司,北京九洲巨室文化传播有限公司、北京盟将威影视文化有限公司以及巨室音乐娱乐制作有限公司联合制作、由周杰伦担任导演的科幻形式偶像剧《熊猫人》在北京宣布正式启动。这也是周杰伦继自导自演电影《不能说的秘密》之后,第二度出任导演一职。发布会上,刚度过30 岁生日的周杰伦谈起自己执导电视剧的初衷时表示:“这是我30岁以后的挑战。”
Pop star-turned director Jay Chou thinks Chinese people lack a superhero who can rival Spiderman and Batman, so he is determined to create two, not one, Panda-men.
Chou on Monday held a press conference in Beijing to introduce the concept for his small-screen directorial debut, "Pandamen".
"We have seen such Western superheroes as Spiderman and Batman," said Chou, "but Chinese people need their own heroes, and that will be the pandamen."
"Pandamen" depicts two future superheroes in the year 2030 who fight to protect the city they live in.
A rendering of the superpanda unveiled at the press conference shows a human-like panda wearing tight, leather suit and a red scarf resembling the cape of Superman.
Chou, who is also an actor, will appear in the drama but not as the pandamen, the star says. The two protagonists will be portrayed by Devon Song and Zhan Yuhao from the Taiwan music group Nan Quan Mama.
Shooting will begin on February 25.
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