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维多利亚护夫心切 追随小贝奔赴米兰  新华网    2008-11-14    



Victoria Beckham to move to Milan with her husband



  Victoria Beckham is reportedly moving to Milan with her husband David because she is worried he will be approached by other women.

  The former Spice Girl is said to be concerned the soccer star, who is joining Italian club AC Milan on loan from Los Angeles Galaxy, will be bombarded with offers from beautiful Italian women.

  A source said: "Victoria wasn't thinking of going to Milan with David. But when stories appeared about her letting him go there on his own, there were lots of comments about how foolish she was being."

  Victoria's spokesman has denied she is planning on living with David for the duration of his two-month loan which starts in January, but insists Victoria will be taking the couples' sons Brooklyn, nine, Romeo, six, and Cruz, three, to visit regularly.

  The spokesman said: "She was always planning on splitting her time between Milan and Los Angeles.

  "She's not going to uproot her three sons but was always planning on being in Europe in January and February for the fashion shows."

  In 2004, David was accused of cheating on Victoria with his personal assistant Rebecca Loos while he was playing for Real Madrid. He has always vehemently denied the allegations.






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