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出国旅游常用英语之餐厅篇:在自助餐厅  爱思英语    2015-09-22    



  At the Cafeteria


  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  330.People like to eat in a cafeteria.It's cheap and quick.


  331.Just pick up a tray,put a knife,a fork,a spoon and a paper napkin on it,and then start down the line.


  332.You can choose whichever you want.


  333.What a variety!


  334.What are you going to have?


  335.OK,let's join in the line along the counter.


  336.How long will it take to reach the buffet?


  337.It smells good.


  338.They make my mouth water.


  339.Tell the man behind the counter what you want.


  340.You get two vegetables with it and some potatoes orrice,whichever you want.


  341.Just point to it if you don't know the name.


  342.I want that fresh straw herry pie with whipped cream,

  that's my favorite.


  Dialogue A

  A:Oh,it's very crowded here.

  B:Yes.people like to eat in a cafeteria.It's cheap and quick.

  A:What shall we do now?I'm a bit lost.

  B:Just pick up a tray,put a knife,a fork,a spoon and a pa-per napkin on it,and then start down the line.

  A:I see.Are those the food prices that are posted on the wall?

  B:Yes,you can choose whichever you want.

  A:What a variety!Barbecued chickens、fried fish、spaghetti…they all sound delicious.

  B:Yes.What are you going to have?

  A:I'd like that fried fish.

  B:OK,let's join in the line along the counter.

  Dialogue B

  A:Food is less expensive in a cafeteria,because you serveyourself.


  A:Just pick up a tray,then put a knife,a fork,a spoon and a paper napkin on it and keep the line.

  B:How long will it take to reach the buffet?

  A:Not long,people rush for lunch,because they only have an hour or so.

  B:The line sure does move fast.Here we are.Gee,it smells good.Look at the menu.Meats,salads,spaghetti,macaroni and hot rolls…Oh!They make my mouth water.

  A:Tell the man behind the counter what you want.


  A:You get two vegetables with it and some potatoes or rice,whichever you want.

  B:OK.It like that green vegetable but I don't know what to call it.

  A:Just point to it if you don't know the name.That one just happens to be asparagus.

  B:All right.I'll have asparagus and some of that.

  A:And that is a yam,which is a kind of sweet potato.What kind of salad do you like?

  B:A friend told me I should try a waldorf salad.That's this one,with apples,raisins,nuts and may on naise' isn't it?

  A:Yes.Now pick up a dessert.There is jello,fruit,ice cream…

  B:Say no more.I want that fresh strawberry pie with whipped creeam,that's my favorite.What are you going to have?

  A:Black walnut ice cream.Do you want coffee,tea or milk?

  B:Let me see,I'll take milk.

  A:OK.Just pick up a glass and set it on that machine and push it against the lever.

  B:That's fun…am I all right?

  A:Great,it's a lot easier than milking a cow,et?Now we just pay the cashier at the end of the line and then find ourselves a table.

  B:OK.This will be my treat.

  A:oh,no.That's not fair.

  B:All right,then,we'll go Dutch.

  A:Next time.This time you're my guest.

  Words and Expressions

  cafeteria n.自助餐厅

  napkin n.餐巾

  spaghetti n.意大利面条

  buffet n.供应便餐的柜台

  macaroni n.通心面

  asparagus n.芦笋

  yam n.甜薯

  raisin n.葡萄干

  mayonnaise n.蛋黄酱

  strawberry n.草毒






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