直播预告 | 2025年1月14日14:00,香港都会大学科技学院中国环保研究理学硕士研究生课程在线简介会邀你来看!
Master of science in Chinese Environmental studies
中国环保研究 理学硕士(MSCCESF)
▶Programme Overview 课程概览
The aims of the programme are to develop students with critical and objective awareness, knowledge and skills in Chinese environmental conservation and protection; and to enable students to appraise Chinese environmental policy in societal, industrial and economic contexts.
▶Teaching and Learning Mode 教学模式
Mode 学习模式:Full-time or Part-time face-to-face mode 全日制或兼读制面授
Duration 学习年期:1-year Full-time or 2-year Part-time 全日制一年或兼读制两年
Medium of instruction 教学语言:Chinese 中文(普通话)
▶Programme structure 课程结构
▶Career Prospects 就业前景
Further studies 继续深造
• MPhil and PhD studies 研究型硕士及博士深造
Career opportunities 就业机会
• Graduates of the MSCCESF programme will find a variety of career opportunities in governmental agencies, environmental groups, consultants, and private sectors etc. in Greater China especially in the Greater Bay Area.
• 毕业生将可在大中华地区,尤其是在大湾区的政府机构、环保团体、顾问和私营机构等中找到各种就业机会。
▶Entry Requirement 入学要求
• A Bachelor's degree from a recognized institution or equivalent qualification;
• Students must be fluent in both spoken and written Chinese*.
*Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend a face-to-face or online admission interview. Applicants must have passed the admission interview for successful application.
• 持有本大学认可的高等院校所颁授的学士学位或同等资格;及
• 学生必须具备良好的中文说话和书写能力*。
▶Programme Enquiry 课程查询
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