直播预告 | 2025年1月17日14:00,香港都会大学科技学院可持续发展的全球环境管理理学硕士、科学研究理学硕士研究生课程在线简介会邀你来看!

Master of Science in Global Environmental Management for sustainable Development
可持续发展的全球环境管理 理学硕士(MSCGEMSDF)
▶Programme Aims 课程简介
The programme covers key areas in environmental management, such as ecological conservation and environmental assessment, environmental management and regulation, global sustainable development and environmental leadership etc. Students are also required to conduct a research project in certain aspects in environmental management to complete the master's degree.
▶Teaching and Learning 教学模式
Mode:Full-time or Part-time Face-to-face mode with online support
Duration:1-year Full-time or 2-year Part-time
Medium of instruction:English
▶Programme Structure 课程结构

▶Entry Requirement 入学要求
• A Bachelor's degree in science and technology from a recognized institution or equivalent qualification with a science background;
• Applicants must meet the English language proficiency requirements set by HKMU if their Bachelor's Degree or equivalent qualification did not adopt English as the medium of instruction*.
*Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend a (face-to-face or online) admission interview. Applicant must have passed the admission interview for successful application.
• 持有本大学认可的高等院校所颁授的学士学位或同等资格;及
• 英语语言能力要求:如申请人的学士学位或同等学历不是以英语作为教学语言,则必须符合大学要求的英语能力。*
▶Programme Enquiry 课程查询

Master of Science in Scientific Research
科学研究 理学硕士(MSCSRF)
▶Programme Aims 课程简介
The programme provides students with crucial knowledge and skills in conducting scientific research. Students are also required to conduct research projects in certain aspects of applied science to complete the master's degree.
The aims of the programme are to
• develop students with critical and objective awareness, knowledge and skills in scientific research methodologies; and
• enable students to master and apply advanced experimental skills to research projects.
• 培养学生在科学研究方法方面的批判性和客观意识、知识和技能;
• 使学生能够掌握先进的实验技能并将其应用于研究项目。
▶Teaching and Learning 教学模式
Mode:Full-time or Part-time Face-to-face mode with online support
Duration:1-year Full-time or 2-year Part-time
Medium of instruction:English
▶Programme Structure 课程结构

▶Entry Requirement 入学要求
• A Bachelor's degree in science and technology from a recognized institution or equivalent qualification with a science background;
• Applicants must meet the English language proficiency requirements set by HKMU if their Bachelor's Degree or equivalent qualification did not adopt English as the medium of instruction*.
*Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend a (face-to-face or online) admission interview. Applicant must have passed the admission interview for successful application.
• 持有本大学认可的高等院校所颁授的学士学位或同等资格;及
• 英语语言能力要求:如申请人的学士学位或同等学历不是以英语作为教学语言,则必须符合大学要求的英语能力。*
▶Programme Enquiry 课程查询

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