悉尼科技大学动漫设计专业极具优势 下一个宫崎骏非你莫属
2025-01-30 12:15:47 来源:中国教育在线
近年来,越来越多的中国学子选择留学,那其中悉尼科技大学动漫设计专业极具优势 下一个宫崎骏非你莫属?本文则针对这个问题,为大家整理了资料,接下来咱们就一起往下了解吧。
Bachelor of Animation 动漫设计学士 3年
Bachelor of Science in IT (Sub-Major: Computer Graphics and Animation) IT IT学士,3年
Bachelor of Design Visual Communication 视觉传媒学士,4年
UTS 动漫专业,Master of Animation and Visualisation
学制:1 年
开课时间:1.14 日
托福:79 - 93,写作:21
Applicants must provide materials substantiating their skills in at least one of the specialisations in digital production or visualisation. The application should include a:
digital portfolio of art, design or visualisation work (up to 10 pages in PDF or Quicktime showreel of no more than 10 minutes duration) or documented experience in programming for digital production or visualisation 10 页 PDF 或者 Quicktime 视频(不超过 10 分钟)
personal statement of 300 words (max.) addressing reasons for seeking placement in the course 300 字 PS
CV clearly articulating education, training and experience in a specialisation area of digital production or visualisation and a concise account of the individual role played in the creation of any work submitted 英文简历
Applicants who meet the requirements specified may be invited to participate in the interviews for selection.
Offers are released on a rolling basis.
以上就是“悉尼科技大学动漫设计专业极具优势 下一个宫崎骏非你莫属”的全部内容了,希望小编整理的资料能帮助到考生。如果想要了解更多相关资讯,欢迎关注留学频道,为您提供更多精彩内容。