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2024-09-05 11:21:21 来源:中国教育在线



四大动机理论I: 本能理论

Instinct is behavior that is inherited rather than learned. Instinct is an inborn tendency/ biological force that dominates behavior. Instincts are universal in expression and universal in a species. Instinct is viewed as in-built with regards to a babys attachment to its parents or caregivers. The reason for this development is that babies stay close to their parents because they are provided with protection.

Human instincts are more flexible and more open to learning experiences than those of other species. Just like the imprinting of baby geese, so do human babies attach to his/her parents after many hours of interaction. An example of instinctual behavior is that all ants build anthills in the same way, even when they are not raised together, then the anthill building behavior is instinctual and not a learned response. Sex in humans is also instinctual. We are not born with the desire to engage in sexual activities, but as we reach puberty, there is a need for sexual stimulation. Even though we might not know what to do, it is instinctual. But, instincts only describe behavior; they do not explain why a person engages in behavior.

四大动机理论II: 生物社会学理论

Sociobiology is the study of the biological basis for the social behavior of humans and other animals. Sociobiologists try to ascertain the function of various types of behavior in the life of an animal. Sociobiology is based on the theory that the central process of life is the struggle of genes to reproduce themselves. Theorists believe that natural preference favors behavior that maximizes reproductive attainmenttransmitting genes to the next generation. According to this theory, an organism inherits inclinations to develop certain types of behavior, and these behavior patterns increase an organisms chances of transferring its genes to the next generation. It is believed that

an organism can transmit its genes on, not only by reproducing but also by helping related organisms survive and reproduce.

An example of this would be a bee stinging an intruder bee, in order to protect the life and genes of the queen bee (an organism sacrificing their life, for others, therefore passing on its genes). A humans will, for sacrificing their life for a relative or someone they know, is much stronger than that of sacrificing their life for someone they do not know. A lady will not usually sacrifice her life by running across the road to save a child, (that she does not know), in traffic, whereas if it were her own child, she would sacrifice her life in order to save her childs life and to carry on the genes.

There are ongoing debates about sociobiology and its relevance to human motivation. Some theorists believe that sociobiologists overestimate the influence of biology and underestimate the influence of culture. In the African culture, African men consider African women with large buttocks appealing, which may be viewed as unattractive in other cultures.

四大动机理论Ⅲ: 驱动理论

A drive is defined as an observation that organisms seek to maintain homeostasis, a state of physiological equilibrium/stability. A drive assists an organism in alleviating inner tension. For example, drinking alleviates thirst. Drive theory explains why people eat, sleep, seek pleasure, avoid pain and engage in sex.

There is a distinction between Primary and Secondary drives. Primary drives are the most basic, inborn needs in our psychological systems and secondary drives, also known as learned motives, are learned through association with the reduction of primary drives. It is understood that most drive theories are unlearned, biological drives, which progressively develop a bigger set of appropriate drives through learning.

The sleep motive is an example of drive theory. If a person goes without sleep, for quite a while, they begin to experience some discomfort, tiredness, which is an internal tension and a drive motivates you to obtain sleep. Sleeping reduces the drive and restores physiological balance. But drive theories can not explain all facets of human motivation.

四大动机理论Ⅳ: 激励理论

Incentive theory is striving towards attaining external goals. Incentive theorists believe that the source of motivation is external, in the environment. Incentives pull you to act, whereas drives push you to act. Incentive theory is not related to the principle of homeostasis, it emphasizes environmental factors.

Not everyone can always achieve his or her desired goals. Expectancy-value models explain ones motivation to persevere in two ways, the merit of the incentive, if it appeals to you, and the probability of ones chances of attaining the incentive. Gambling at a casino is an example of incentive. Your motivation to gamble will depend on the amount of money you could win and on your chances of winning. To draw people to gamble, large amounts of money are offered as prize, making the incentive value high.

Incentives can be both positive and negative. A positive incentive is a pupil knowing that he/she will receive a reward if he/she obtain a good result for an exam, and a negative incentive is a pupil knowing that if he/she fail the exam, he/she will be deprived of something he/she value.

Through the different theories of motivation we can see that motivators can be internal and

external. Some psychologists believe that happenings, which we no longer remember, can still affect our lives and can influence behavior motives.


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