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2023-06-06 15:43:05 来源:中国教育在线




You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Students can easily access information online, so libraries are no longer necessary.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.





这个题目是“观点类(agree/disagree)”题型,故考生在开头段必须明确表达个人观点。本文笔者的观点是“totally disagree”,即“不同意图书馆没有存在的必要”。



Para 1 = 题目改写 + 个人观点(完全不同意)

Para 2 = 支持理由1(图书馆是人们交流的地方)

Para 3 = 支持理由2(图书馆是城市的地标建筑,吸引游客)

Para 4 = 重申观点 + 总结主体段两个理由


There are those who opine that libraries are of no significance any more in current society due to the possibility of pupils finding what they need to know on the internet. Personally, I totally disagree with this statement because libraries can not only be the place for residents to socialise but also be regarded as a tourist attraction.

The primary reason supporting my stance is that libraries provide people with a venue to interact with others. When people, be they children or adults read books and find information in the library, they can meet a great number of people who have gone there with the same purpose. They may have conversations with each other regarding their interests, studies, and work, as well as become friends in the end.

Another important point I consider relevant is that a library can be a landmark of a city to attract visitors. For example, when people plan to visit Canberra, the capital city of Australia, the National Library is a popular destination, although there is not much to see in this Australian jurisdiction. Upon arrival, visitors take pictures of the exterior of the building and some may enter it to take a look.

In conclusion, I have strong opposition to the viewpoint that libraries are not important any longer because of students’ accessibility to knowledge on the World Wide Web. After all, people can make friends when they visit libraries; meanwhile, libraries can attract many travellers if nicely designed. Therefore, it is suggested that the local government should still make an effort to maintain a library in this era.

(264 words)


1.be of no significance 不重要

2.pupil (n.) 学生

3.resident (n.) 居民

4.socialise (v.) 社交

5.a tourist attraction 旅游景点

6.provide sb. with 给某人提供

7.interact with 互动

8.landmark (n.) 地标

9.destination (n.) 目的地

10.jurisdiction (n.) 司法管辖区

11.exterior (n.) 外观

12.accessibility (n.) 可获得

13.make an effort 努力

14.maintain (v.) 保持

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