2023-10-20 17:43:04 来源:中国教育在线
下面为大家介绍的是SAT语法知识点中比较容易出题目的代词指代不明的问题。指代不明在SAT语法知识点中虽然看起来相对容易,但是掌握并应用到实际中并不简单。下面大家就和小编一起来看看这些相关的内容吧。 指代不明在SAT语法考试中经常出现,下面为大家列举了几个类型: a. 代词一定要清晰地去表示它所指代的对象,否则就是错的。 例句:The office manager and her coworker, Ms. Andrews, received (A) equal pay for the company until (B)she (C) got a raise for helping (D) to increase productivity. No error (E) b.我们清楚代词的英文写法是pronoun,即代词要指代的对象是一个noun,所以在SAT考试中,代词指代的如果是一个动词(verb)或者一个句子(sentence),那么肯定是不正确的 例句:During the labor dispute, barrels of potatoes were emptied across the highway, and they thereby blocked it to all traffic. (A) highway, and they thereby blocked it to all traffic (B) highway and therefore blocking it to all traffic (C) highway, by which all traffic was therefore blocked (D) highway, and therefore this had all traffic blocked (E) highway, thereby blocking all traffic 注意点: 在SAT语法考试中,改进句子题(IS)如果出现了代词指代不明确的情况,我们要学会使用“排除法”。 即此例句中出现了指代不清的代词it,选项AB都有it,那么这两个选项肯定是要被排除的。这是一个非常好用的技巧,希望同学们以后能够掌握这一点。 例句David, Jason and Isaac were hiking when, stumbling over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment (A) when, stumbling over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment (B) and then he fell down a steep embankment after he stumbled over a rock (C) when Isaac fell down a steep embankment after stumbling over a rock (D) when Isaac fell down a steep embankment, since he stumbled over a rock (E) and, since he stumbled over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment 通过上面的分析,大家一定对SAT语法知识点中指代不明的部分有所了解了,接下来就需要通过大量的题目和练习来巩固和应用这个问题的答题方法了。
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