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分享雅思写作范文 Model Essay

2023-09-03 10:15:50 来源:中国教育在线

随着人们经济水平的提高,对于很多家庭来说,留学不再是一个可望而不可及的事情,许多人都想要留学,那其中分享雅思写作范文 Model Essay?针对这个问题,下面中国教育在线小编就来和大家分享一下。

分享雅思写作范文 Model Essay

  分享雅思写作范文Model Essay
  Fire, writing, the wheel:all great and important inventions, and such an important part of the fabric of our society but very much over-shadowed by other recent developments in computers, digital technology and the Internet.
  Who are ordinary peoplein our society? The middle class with their apartments,nice white-color jobs and cars double-parked on the street, or the struggling working-class, farmers and homeless who have to constantly strive to put food in their mouths and a roof over their heads. For this second group it is hard to find where the benefits of modern technology are available to them. Do they have access to modern healthcare, modern communications technology, or modern comforts? Often not - many of the new developments arc not even reaching huge sectors of our communities; either in this country or other developing, undeveloped or even developed countries.
  But these late, modern changes would not have been possible without the earlier developments. Fire creates heat necessary for working with iron; writing is at the base of our communication systems, and wheels are under our cars and in our watches.
  It follows therefore that the earlier developments which have continued to exist (obviously some earlier inventions were found to be irrelevant and consequently. lost - the record player, for example) are still bringing benefits to us long after they were invented even though they have disappeared from our thinking. In the future sitting at a computer may seem very old-fashioned, but whatever we use, it will probably be the product of fire, and somehow made possible with the use of wheels and writing.
  标签:雅思写作范文 Model Essay

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