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2023-09-03 10:16:09 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语 保健 方法范文



Describe something or activity you do to stay healthy

You should say:

What the activity is

When and where you usually do it

How you do it

And explain why it can keep you healthy


What do old people in your country do to stay healthy?

How do you deal with pressure?

Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?

What else can people do to stay healthy besides sports?

What can parents do to make their children like sports?



Well, actually I have tried many different ways to keep fit. But it didn’t work every time because I always find it hard to insist. But now I have worked on a new way to keep fit and I think it is awesome. Every day I would wake up early in the morning and then do aerobics for half an hour. In the past, I usually go to jog for half an hour after I had my supper. But after a long day’s work, I just felt so tired and I had to force myself to walk out of the dormitory and jog in the playground. But now I get up early in the morning and I feel energetic. Besides, I have much more fun doing aerobics than jogging. It has rhythms and some dance moves. So interesting.

Normally I get up early and do aerobics every day except weekends. My roommates sometimes join me. I would use my iPad to play the video and follow it to do aerobics. In order not to disturb others, I normally do aerobics in the playground. Doing aerobics helps me lose weight and eliminate stress. Now I feel energetic all day. In the past I would easily get cold, but now I am much healthier.


1. What public holidays do you have in your country?

We’ve got loads of them, for example, the one that’s just passed was the National Day holiday, and then we’ve got the Spring Festival of course - that’s probably the most important one - which is at the beginning of the year, sometime around, like, late January, beginning of February, that kind of time. And uh, what else do we have? Uh…oh yeah, the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and um… there are a few others as well but I can’t remember them all off-hand I’m afraid!

我们有很多这样的节日,比如刚刚过去的就是国庆节,然后我们当然会有春节,这可能是最重要的节日,在年初的某个时候,比如一月下旬,二月初。时间的种类。呃,我们还有什么? 是的,端午节,中秋节,还有其他一些节日,但是恐怕我不能马上记住它们!

2. Do people in your country celebrate Christmas?

Um…it’s kind of hard to generalize, but I would say, to an extent, yeah. I mean, by and large, it’s the younger generation that tend to celebrate Christmas, but they don’t celebrate it in the way Westerners would. You know, in the West, people go to church, open presents, um…whereas over here, it’s kind of like, just, “let’s get together for a party, go to KTV…” that sort of thing. So it is celebrated, but just in a slightly different way.At least that’s my understanding anyway!


3. Do you like public holidays?

Yeah I do. You know, it gives me the opportunity to be together with my family for a bit, take some time off, so yeah, I always tend to look forward to them.



Do you prefer to study in a quiet environment or an environment with some sounds?

Well, I guess on the whole I prefer to study in a quiet environment, the main reason being that I find it easier to concentrate, because noises or sounds tend to distract me. So in other words, I tend to get more work done when I can't hear anything around me. But saying that, I do occasionally like to listen to some music while I'm studying, because it can make it a little bit more enjoyable.


Does your school have any quiet places for studying?

Yeah, I guess I'm quite lucky in this respect, because there's a pretty big library on our campus with loads of desks for studying, and I'm always able to get quite a lot of work done there, as it's really nice and quiet.


What natural sound do you like the most?

That's an interesting question, and I'm not really that sure to be honest with you, but I guess I would probably say the natural sound I like most is that of waves hitting the seashore, because it's just really soothing, if you know what I mean. And it's a sound I only really get to hear when I'm on holiday, so I also probably associate it with being on holiday, which would be another reason why I like it so much!




What kinds of books do you like to read?

I'd say I like reading quite a variety of books, both fiction as well as nonfiction. So for example, I'm a big fan of detective novels, because I enjoy trying to solve the crimes while I'm reading, although I have to admit I'm pretty useless at it most of the time! And as for nonfiction stuff, I'd say I mostly like reading things like self-help books and biographies of various people I admire, such as the new book on Steve Jobs, which I'm currently in the middle of reading.


Are you reading any books at the moment?

Yeah, I'm actually halfway through a couple of books right now. One of them's a novel which a friend of mine lent me, and the other is a book on business, which I bought about a year ago, but didn't get round to reading until now.



How many languages can you speak?

Only two, unfortunately, those being Chinese and English, but if dialects count, then I suppose you could say three languages, as I can also speak the local dialect of my hometown, which is actually quite a bit different to Chinese.


How did you learn English?

Well, I mostly learned it in class at middle school and high school, where we basically just went through the text book with the teacher and took notes. But in my spare time I would always try to memorize all the various words and phrases we had been through in class, which I think helped a lot. And as well as this, I would also say I've learnt a fair amount through watching English films and TV series, so it's basically been a mixture of things.


How long have you been learning English?

I've been learning for quite a while, – probably something like 9 or 10 years now, because most students here start learning English from a pretty early age.



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