2024-07-03 10:42:59 来源:中国教育在线
留学,语言成绩是必要材料之一,并且在申请院校的进程中,语言成绩的高低直接影响着你最终能申请什么到水平的院校,下面外语频道小编为大家具体分享下“雅思口语Part2:一篇关于健康的文章 话题分析及解题思路”内容。
Describe anarticle on health you read on magazine or the internet. You should say:
What it wasWhere you readWhy you readAnd how you felt about it
这道题是一个事件类的话题, 这是本季的一道新话题, 也有人会把它描述成媒体类话题。本篇范文以事件类话题的逻辑来解释。今天要讨论的题卡是读过的一篇关于健康的文章。这个题目不算难,重点在于可能大家并没有阅读过相关的期刊杂志或者网络文章。建议大家可以通过运动, 减肥,护肤,饮食,养生等方面着手。
题目分解:第二题和第三题 where you read,why youread, 属于基本的事件背景信息, 不需要浓墨重彩, 一两句话带过即可。也可以多加一点背景信息,比如在哪里读的, 谁写的等等,以此来丰富话题背景的描述。
第一题是what it was,即这篇文章的内容是什么。注意这个点是这道题的重点,也应该是篇幅最长的部分, 要把健康内容有细节性的描述。如果细节比较多, 要记得几个细节之间连接词的使用。这样会显得内容更加有层次感。
第四题是howyou felt about it,即个人感受。相信大家从小到大写过不少读后感,可以从主观感受, 客观感受, 甚至推荐考官阅读等角度去描述。注意这个问题的时长,考验学生做summary的能力, 不需要过多, 控制在30秒之内即可。
Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the internet.You should say:
What it was (重点内容)
Where you read(背景信息)
Why you read (背景信息)
And how you felt about it(个人感受)
读过的一篇关于健康的文章背景信息:Well, an article about health that I read on the internet was about How to live a healthy life.我在网上读过的一篇关于健康的文章是如何过上一个健康的生活。
背景信息:A few years ago, I attempted to live a healthier lifestyle and to get in better shape. This meant improving diet, exercising more frequently and trying to make healthier choices in my daily life. However, I was not an expert in this field, so I read this article on a website calledwww.peoples health.com, which was set up by Henry, a really well-known medical doctor in China, in 2014.几年前, 我尝试过上更健康的生活, 也想着塑形。这意味着我要改善饮食, 多锻炼, 以及多做有益健康的事情。然而, 我对这方面不擅长, 所以就在一个名为人们的健康的网站上读了这篇文章。这个网站是一个名叫亨利的医生在2014年建立的。
故事重点:I clearly remember that it talked about 3 key issues to have a healthy life. The first thing I learned from the article was to maintain a balanced diet. Lets say, eating 2-3 different kinds of veggies and fruits every day could insure the vitamin and fiber intake of human body. Also, the article suggested that people should do some aerobic exercise for about 40 minutes daily to burn extra calories. On top of that, having enough sleep, like 7 or 8 hours at least, was quite essential for peoples physical health.我清楚地记得这篇文章说到了关于健康生活的三个关键性问题。第一件是要维持均衡的饮食, 比如每天吃两到三种不同的蔬菜和水果可以确保人体维他命和纤维的摄入。此外,这篇文章还建议人们应该每天做至少40分钟的有氧运动,这样一来可以燃烧多余的卡路里。第三个关键点是保证充足的睡眠, 每天至少7-8个小时的睡眠对人体的健康是非常有必要的。
个人感受:In the past, I used to stay up late very often to play online games, and I didnt think too much about what it would do to my body. After I read this article on the website, I saw pictures of the changes before and after a person stayed up late, which scared me a lot. From then on, I decided to follow this article and change my habits. And, you know what, I succeeded in losing 30 pounds. Now I have a very well-built figure that almost everyone dreams of. So Im very glad that I read the article.曾经我经常熬夜打游戏, 从来没想过这样会对我的身体有过什么伤害。自从读了这篇文章, 我仿佛看到了一个人熬夜前后的对比照, 太吓人了。从那个时候开始, 我就决定要听这篇文章的建议, 改变坏习惯。你知道吗, 如今的我已经成功减了30磅, 拥有很多人梦寐以求的好身材。所以我非常高兴读了这篇文章。
那么以上就是关于雅思口语Part2:一篇关于健康的文章 话题分析及解题思路的相关内容啦,以上内容作为参考分享给大家,希望能帮助到有需要的同学,如果还有更多想要了解的内容可以关注本平台继续浏览。
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