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2024-07-05 10:15:02 来源:中国教育在线

中国教育在线小编为大家收集整理了雅思大作文 外界和家庭,谁对孩子的影响更大 范文赏析,那么接下来就跟着小编一起来看看,相信你通过以下的文章内容就会有更深入的了解。

雅思大作文 外界和家庭,谁对孩子的影响更大 范文赏析


There has been a prevailing opinion that children are more likely to be influenced by other people instead of their parents. From my perspective, I tend to say it is groundless to jump to a conclusion without scrutinizing all relative factors that might impact the inference.

Superficially, it seems plausible why some people take it for granted that teenagers are susceptible to others opinions rather than taking advices from their family members. From the perspective of the advocates of this, many children, particularly those in their adolescence, prefer to share their feelings and thoughts with classmates or even strangers in virtual world. This is either because of the increasing gap between generations with the growth of age, or due to the lack of accompany of their working parents. In this sense, young minds tend to turn to peers for emotional communication, which might influence their mentality during the essential period of their development and even the rest of their lives.

Nevertheless, although the phenomenon mentioned above might be true in some cases, I do not think it is justified enough to lead to the assertion that the relevance with families is eclipsed by that from others: who plays a more important role in childrens development is a problem of great complexity that hinges on various determinants, such as the emotional bond between children and their parents, and the education they are provided. For those families in which there are close ties between all members, children would be less likely to seek emotional support from outside. Lets not forget either that there are growing number of children are brought up in family schooling instead of public education, which means that they do not have the same access to the impacts from peers or teachers as their counterpart studying in traditional schools.

In conclusion, whether parents or other individuals exert more influences on childrens lives is not an either-or problem, whereas the answer differs with individuals in terms of different premises.


Prevailing 流行的

Scrutinize 仔细分析

Inference 推理结论

Plausible 看似合理的

Susceptible 易受影响的

Adolescence 青春期

Mentality 思维方式

Eclipse 使黯然失色

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