2024-07-06 09:48:37 来源:中国教育在线
- 我刚到韩国留学的时候,第二天就去买了一个电饭锅。
- 因为我原计划在读研期间也可以顺便练习烹饪技能。
- When I first went to South Korea to study, I went to buy a rice cooker the next day.
- Because I originally planned to practice cooking skills during my master program.
- 然后我就去了连锁超市Emart的电器区,在导购的推荐下选购了一款容量较小,适合一个人做饭的电饭锅。
- Then I went to the electrical area of the supermarket chain Emart. Under the recommendation of the shopping guide, I bought a rice cooker with a small capacity and suitable for one person to cook.
- 自我购入这一年以来,我使用的次数不超过4次。
- 原因一方面是因为学业负担较重,没有很多时间可以自己做饭,尤其是用电饭锅煮饭要等很久。
- 另外就是米饭的替代品很多,做起来美味又迅速,所以我背叛了我的电饭锅。
- 这样一想,我应该尽快把电饭锅转手卖给其他人。
- I have used it no more than 4 times since I bought this.
- The reason is that because of the heavy academic burden, there is not much time to cook by myself, considering it is quite time-consuming.
- There are a lot of substitutes for rice which is delicious and quick to make, so I betrayed my rice cooker.
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