2024-07-06 09:49:09 来源:中国教育在线
在雅思官方给出的口语评分标准当中主要包括四部分内容,分别是Fluency and coherence, Lexical resource, Grammatical range and accuracy 以及Pronunciation。四部分加总求平均数之后四舍五入即为大家的口语成绩。那么今天我们就从评分标准的角度分析一下口语5分与6分水平的差距,并且针对各个方面给大家提供一些建议。
Fluency and coherence:连贯度与流利度
Is willing to speak at length, though may lose coherence at times due to occasional repetition, self-correction or hesitation.
Uses a range of connectives and discourse markers but not always appropriately.
Usually maintains flow of speech but uses repetition, self correction and/or slow speech to keep going.
May over-use certain connectives and discourse markers
Produces simple speech fluently, but more complex communication causes fluency problems
解读:5分与6分的水平都允许学员有重复,停顿,及犹豫。但是两种程度的学员都在连贯度上有待提高。Discourse makers是指一些话题标记词,例如then,well,you know,I mean等。这些词本身并不会改变你所想表述的内容,只是起到连贯作用,正确使用这些词汇可以让我们的表达更地道。6分学员并不能每一次都正确的使用这些词,而5分学员在这一部分会过度使用某些话题标记词。6分学员能够进行较长表述,而5分学员对于较复杂且长的句子会展现流利度问题。
Lexical resource:词汇
Has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length and make meaning clear in spite of in appropriateness.
Generally paraphrases successfully
Manages to talk about familiar and unfamiliar topics but uses vocabulary with limited flexibility
Attempts to use paraphrase but with mixed success
解读:在这一部分官方主要提到了相关单词及意译两个方面的内容。6分学员能够显示足够宽泛的词汇量,而5分学员在提到不熟悉的内容时词汇使用是有局限性的。举一个例子,比如在谈到食物时,5分学员可能在不断重复food这个词。而6分学员可以想到food,meal,dish,cuisine等等一些相关的词汇。这方面一个误区是很多学员认为这里一定要使用大词,其实a wide enough vocabulary并不等于大词,而是指的相关词汇的广度,并在合适的情况下使用一些高端一些的词汇。对于现阶段依然处于5分段的学员可以针对当期的话题卡进行一下词汇拓展,有针对性的准备。而另一方面意译指的是使用自己的话去描述不会的单词。5分水平考生如果不能完全顺利的完成这项任务,可以尝试练习使用自己的话去描述生活的方方面面,经过一段时间的训练应该会有提高。
Grammatical range and accuracy:语法
Uses a mix of simple and complex structures, but with limited flexibility.
May make frequent mistakes with complex structures, though these rarely cause comprehension problems
Produces basic sentence forms with reasonable accuracy
Uses a limited range of more complex structures, but these usually contain errors and may cause some comprehension problems
Uses a range of pronunciation features with mixed control
Shows some effective use of features but this is not sustained
Can generally be understood throughout, though mispronunciation
of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times
Shows all the positive features of band 4 and some, but not all, of the positive features of band 6
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