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2024-07-14 15:45:42 来源:中国教育在线



Yukio Mishima: The strange tale of Japans infamous novelist


1. Standing on a balcony, as if on stage, the small, immaculate figure appeals to the army assembled below. The figure is Yukio Mishima, real name Kimitake Hiraoka. He was Japans most famous living novelist when, on 25 November 1970, he went to an army base in Tokyo, kidnapped the commander, had him assemble the garrison, then tried to start a coup. He railed against the US-backed state and constitution, berated the soldiers for their submissiveness and challenged them to return the Emperor to his pre-war position as living god and national leader. The audience, at first politely quiet, or just stunned into silence, soon drowned him out withjeers. Mishima stepped back inside and said: I dont think they heard me. Then he knelt down and killed himself by seppuku, the Samurais ritual suicide.


2. Mishimas death shocked the Japanese public. He was a literary celebrity, a macho and provocative but also rather ridiculous character, perhapsakin to Norman Mailer in the US, or Michel Houellebecq in todays France. But what had seemed to be posturing had suddenly become very real. It was the morning of the opening of the 64th session of the Diet, Japans parliament, and the Emperor himself was present. The prime ministers speech on the government agenda for the coming year was somewhatovershadowed. No one had died by seppuku since the last days of World War Two.


3. Some thought he had gone mad, others that this was the last in a series of exhibitionistic acts, one more expression of the desire to shock for which he had become notorious, wrote the Japanese philosopher Hide Ishiguro in a 1975 essay for The New York Review. A few people on the political right saw his death as a patriotic gesture of protest against present-day Japan. Others believed that it was a despairing, gruesomefarce contrived by a talented man who had been an enfant terrible and who could not bear to live on into middle age and mediocrity. For his part, Mishima once told his wife that even if I am not immediately understood, its OK, because Ill be understood by the Japan of 50 or 100 years time.


4. In 1949, Mishima arrived on Japans literary scene with Confessions of a Mask, a kind of autobiography, thinly veiled as a novel, that made him famous in his early twenties. It tells the story of a delicate, sensitive boy who is all but held captive by his grandmother. She is ill and he is made to nurse her. Rather than playing outside with other boys, he is confined with her for years in the sickly-sweet smelling darkness of her bedroom.


5. The boys mind develops in that room. Fantasy and reality are never quite separated; fantasy, the stronger twin, grows dominant. By the time the grandmother dies and the boy emerges, he has developed a fixation withroleplaying, with life as theatre. He cannot resist layering fantasies over life around him. Men and boys, especially muscular, straightforward ones, are assigned roles in his vivid, often violent daydreams. Meanwhile he obsesses over his own deviance and appearing normal. He learns how to play his own role: The reluctant masquerade had begun.


Beauty and destruction


6. Confessions of a Mask continues up to the end of the boys adolescence, detailing the entwined evolution of his internal and external lives and his homosexual awakening. In many ways, it is the key to understanding Mishimas later life and works. It reveals the roots of the aesthetic sensibility, so tied to his sexuality, which proved to be Mishimas steering obsession. The narrator writes that he sensuously accepted the creed of death that was popular during the war, when conscription and self-sacrifice seemed certain and imminent, and indeed Mishima was forever fixated on the idea that beauty is most beautiful when it is transientand above all on the cusp of destruction. This creed mingles with admiration for the male form, a form the frail narrator lacks, to produce fantasies of brave warriors and their bloody demises. This private world of Night and Blood and Death was filled with the most sophisticated of cruelties and the most exquisite of crimes, all recounted with a cool detachment.


7. But then Confessions of a Mask also suggests the slippery interplay between performance and reality that characterised everything Mishima did and wrote. It gave the impression of revealing the author locked in some dark struggle with himselfwhile also suggesting it may just be a masterful manipulation of media and publicity. Mishima had it both ways, scandalising society while retaining a wisp of deniability.


8. The formula worked. It turned Mishima into the enfant terrible of postwar Japanese literature and won him a broad readership at home. He was, though decadent, a disciplined and prolific writer, churning out reams of popular fiction alongside high literature and dozens of Noh plays. He worked himself into Tokyo high society with the same focus, cultivating adandyish image. His face, with its rugged bones and soft eyes, photographed well. And he was a friend to foreign bureaux and their correspondents, ingratiating himself and doing what he could to extend his celebrity across the Pacificwith some success. If Sonys Akio Morita was the most famous Japanese abroad, wrote John Nathan, a translator and later a biographer of Mishimas, Mishima ran a close second.


9. Mishimas novels during the 50s mostly mined the same suggestivelyautobiographical vein as Confessions of a Mask. In Forbidden Colours (1951), an ageing writer manipulates a young gay man who has become engaged for convenience and financial security. In Temple of the Golden Pavilion (1956), an acolyte at the temple is transfixed by its beauty in the belief that it will be destroyed by the bombing raidsand when it survives the war, he takes it on himself to destroy it. And in Kyokos House (1959), a boxer takes up right-wing politics, while an actor becomes involved in asado-masochistic sexual relationship that ends in a double suicide.


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