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2024-07-15 09:18:29 来源:中国教育在线



Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea you would like to try.

You should say:

What it is

What you need to prepare

How easy or difficult it is

And explain why you want to try it.

思路 解析

首先,可以吐槽一下此时广州的天气无比炎热,你的心理感受和身体感受。顺带吐槽这样的天气条件下还要 搬砖, 疲惫不堪,只想做点leisure activity休闲活动放松!

Nowadays, many people are so wrapped up in their work. Some of them even work around the clock just to make both ends meet. For them, leisure activity is a luxury they cannot afford. Also, it can be a torture for them to work in the strong summer heat even with the air-conditioner up and running. So you can imagine how tempting a leisure activity near the sea sounds to them and see how craving they are for such something like this !

引入题目第一个点what it is

The leisure activity Im gonna talk about is the picnic on the beach. Honestly, this is the only leisure activity that comes to my mind now. Just imagine that you are sitting on the beach, enjoying the breeze from the sea blowing gently in your face at dusk when the sun sets! How wonderful that must feel ! Right? And it is not strenuous at all !




Unlike other leisure activities, it does not involve any heavy equipment difficult to carry around. In fact, all I need to bring is a piece of table cloth and a blanket, both of which can be folded easily inside the bag. Drinks and snacks should be prepared beforehand, of course. Then when I arrive at the destination, in this case, the beach, I just have to spread the cloth wide open on the sand and take out all the drinks and snacks. Once it is all set, I can sit on the blanket while enjoying the food to my hearts content. But please dont mistake it for something sedentary that bores me to death. If Im tired from sitting on the blanket, I can always lay on my back on the blanket, stroll around the beach or even dive into the ocean for a swim. It has a pretty laid-back vibe, doesnt it?

解释why you want to try it,这是一个释放压力,逃离不喜欢的事物的方式

Anyway, it is also a good way for me to leave it all behind even just for a while, you know, with the overwhelming amount of work, the mounting stress from dealing with clients of different sorts.... So if I could, I would arrange a picnic by the sea tomorrow and head for the beach!


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