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2024-07-15 10:10:17 来源:中国教育在线




1. 持某观点:claim

contend, deem, reckon, assert, share the belief that

2.支持某观点: advocate

maintain, vote for, side with, be in favor of

3.反对某观点: contradict

criticize, be against, cast doubts on


sensible, convincing, persuasive, rational, practicable, logical, wise, sagacious, viable, preferable, advisable, appropriate, bear much analysis


benefit, merit, positive side, upside, boon, pros

6.弊端:disadvantagedefect, demerit, negative side, downside, flaw, drawback, cons

7.肯定:undoubtedlyindeed, undeniably, there is no denying that

8.不确定:be likely topotentially,presumably

9.重要的:essentialsignificant, vital, crucial, critical, fundamental, indispensable

10.有益的:beneficialconducive, instrumental

11.有害的:detrimentalharmful, virulent

12.有争议的:controversialdisputable, contentious

13.普遍的:widespreadprevalent, universal

14.显著地:considerablysignificantly, remarkably, dramatically, tremendously, substantially

15.明显的:evidentapparent, manifest

16.增强:enhancestrengthen, boost

17.减少:declinedescend, collapse, relieve

18.大约:approximatelynearly, around, estimated,roughly

19.趋势:trendtendency, inclination

20.预见:predictexpect, project

21.带来:bring aboutresult in, lead to

22.产生,引起:createspark, yield, give rise to

23.建立:establishfound, institute

24.要求:call forrequest, demand

25.去除:eliminateremove, eradicate

26.探讨:exploreexamine, identify

27.表明,描绘:indicatedepict, portray, illustrate

28.满足需求:meet the need ofsatisfy the requirement of, cater for the demand of

29.足够:adequateenough, sufficient

30.解决:tackleresolve, address


32.控制:curbregulate, censor

33.解释:account forbe responsible for, be attributed to

34.投资:financeinvest in, subsidize

35.缓解:relieveease, alleviate

36.压力:stresspressure, strain

37.遵循:observefollow, conform to

38.继承:inherithand down, carry forward

39.培养:cultivatetrain, foster

40.促进:promotecontribute to, upgrade

41.适应:adapt toadjust to, acclimate to

42.提供:providerender, afford

43.替代:replacesubstitute, take the place of

44.保护:preserveprotect, safeguard


46.赢得:gainacquire, attain

47.国外的:foreignalien, exotic

48.重视:attach importance toemphasis, highlight

49.发展:advancedevelopment, progress

50.倾向于:tend tobe inclined to, be apt to

51. 吸引:attractallure, tempt

52. 专注的:be absorbed inbe immersed in, devote oneself to

53. 目的是:aim atThe purpose is

54. 实现:achievefulfill, implement

55. 危害:endangerthreaten; jeopardize

56. 损害:undermineimpair, damage

57. 阻碍:hinderobstruct, impede

58. 禁止:forbidban, prohibit

59. 责备:blamedenounce, criticize

60. 污染:pollutecontaminate, stain

61. 腐蚀:erodewear away, corrode

62. 欺骗:deceivecheat, defraud

63. 冲突:conflictshock, tension

64. 驱使:promptspur, incite

65. 贪婪的:acquisitivemoney-oriented, materialistic

66. 自私的:self-centeredselfish, inconsiderate

67.体谅的:considerateunderstanding, sympathetic

68.冷漠的:indifferentapathetic, aloof

69.奢侈的:wastefulluxurious, extravagant

70.残忍的:inhumanebrutal, barbaric

71.绝望的:hopelessdespairing, desperate

72.过分的:excessiveextravagant, exorbitant

73.激烈的:intensefierce, vigorous

74.严厉的:stringentrigorous, rigid

75.与相关:be related tobe associated with, be linked to

76.难以置信的:unbelievableincredulous, virtual

77.惊人的:extraordinarymarvelous, spectacular

78.有抱负的:ambitiousaggressive, aspirant

79.固有的:inherentnature, innate

80.稳定的:steadystable, constant

81.恶化:worsenaggravate, deteriorate


83.限制:restrainconstrain, confine

84.拆除:tear downknock down, pull down

85.加速:acceleratespeed up, precipitate


87.分辨:distinguishdifferentiate, discern

88.抵消:counteractoffset, cancel out

89.开展:launchconduct, carry out

90.承担:assumeshoulder, accept

91.颁布, 制定:enactenforce, promulgate, map out

92.影响:influenceimpact, pervade

93.差异:differencedistinction, gap

94.交流:communicateexchange, associate

95.接触:have access tomake contact with, keep in touch with

96.优先:give priority toputinto first place

97.节约:economizeconserve, cherish

98.面临:be faced withbe confronted with

99.措施:measurestep, action

100.注意:bewareprevent, guard against


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