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2024-07-15 13:18:32 来源:中国教育在线



问:What are the disadvantages of living in tall buildings?

Some disadvantages of living in tall buildings could be decreased sports due to being lazy to go downstairs, beingdifficult to escape when there is some emergency, such as a fire alarm, earthquake, etc.. Besides, living on a reallyhigh floor also causes danger itself, while you have to make sure that you are careful not putting your body outsideof the window, as well as not dropping anything downstairs since it could be threatening for someone who isstanding on the ground.

问:Do you think there will be more tall buildings in the future?

I think it depends on the location. I think there will be more tall buildings in the city since there will be more andmore people coming downtown due to the urbanization. People still think there are more chances in big cities, soin order to satisfy the population, the land is limited; therefore, the building will have to be taller and taller. We cansee some examples from the newly released condos. They are much taller than before, like ten years ago. So Iassume that this trend will not stop in a short time.

问:Why arent there many tall buildings in the countryside?

I think it is also due to the urbanization that they are not too many people in the countryside, so tall buildings arenot needed. Since there are not so many people buying the house on the countryside, so the developers will notpay more money to build higher buildings. Therefore there are not too many tall buildings in the countryside.

问:Why do some people like to live in tall buildings nowadays?


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