2024-08-08 10:39:51 来源:中国教育在线
I I'm a bit puzzled. Why did she give the gifts back?
C: Pure and simple. She said the only gift she wanted was hard working from the student.
I So you didn't think that was rude?
C Well many parents did at first, but they sure learned fast that she was going to give no favourites with anyone.
Stage 3
I Ok, I'd like to discuss with you one or two more general topics. You talked about the powerful effect your teacher had on the students and yet she was never motivated by money. So does it mean that teachers do not need a high wage to perform?
C I see what yo雅思口语网(https://www.liuxue86.com/ielts/kouyu/)欢迎您再来拜读《雅思考试模拟面试》一文.
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