海地一学校倒塌 死亡人数已近百
http://en.jybest.cn 新华网 2008-11-10 大 中 小
Death toll in Haitian school collapse rises to 92
At least 92 people have been killed and 150 others injured in the collapse of a church school in the suburbs of Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, media reported Saturday.
Search for survivors in the remains of the College La Promesse is still underway, according to reports reaching here from Port-au-Prince.
Two girls and two boys aged from three to 13 years were rescued alive from under ruins of the three-storied building Saturday, bringing the number of survivors to 35.
Local authorities said more than 500 students aged between three and 20 were at school as the accident happened and the death toll would continue to rise.
The owner of the school, Fortin Augustine, has been arrested Saturday and Haitian president Rene Preval has blamed the tragedy to shabby construction and lack of government supervision.
Haitian Youth and Sports Minister Evens Lescouflair said a 40-member rescue team with sniff dogs have joined the U.N. peacekeeping force in searching for survivors.
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