海地7.3级地震 首都几成废墟
http://en.jybest.cn 沪江网 2010-01-14 大 中 小
Hundreds of people are feared dead after a powerful earthquake rocked Haiti, causing massive damage across the country.
The quake, which struck about 15km (10 miles) south-west of the capital, Port-au-Prince, was quickly followed by two strong aftershocks.
据BBC当地记者Nick Davies报道,感觉大地剧烈摇动了将近1分钟。他看到当地人利用简单的工具,甚至徒手从废墟中抢救废墟中的伤员。
A 7.0-magnitude quake which hit south of the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince is feared to have killed hundreds of people across the Caribbean country.
In the space of a minute, Haiti's worst quake in two centuries wrecked the HQ of the UN mission, the presidential palace and numerous other buildings.
A "large number" of UN personnel were reported missing by the organisation.
The capital is now said to be in total darkness with many people sleeping outside amid fear of more aftershocks.
Describing the earthquake as a "catastrophe", Haiti's envoy to the US said the cost of the damage could run into billions.
A number of nations, including the US, UK and Venezuela, are gearing up to send aid.
As night fell, Rachmani Domersant, an operations manager with the Food for the Poor charity, told Reuters: "The whole city is in darkness. You have thousands of people sitting in the streets with nowhere to go. There are people running, crying, screaming."
Adding that he had seen no rescue vehicles in the hillside suburb of Petionville, he said: "People are trying to dig victims out with flashlights. I think hundreds of casualties would be a serious understatement."
A French official told AFP news agency about 200 people were missing in the collapsed Hotel Montana, which is popular with tourists.
There have also been some reports of looting overnight.
Earlier, bodies white with dust could be seen piled on the back of a pick-up truck as vehicles tried to ferry the injured to hospital.
Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and has suffered a number of recent disasters, including four hurricanes and storms in 2008 that killed hundreds.
'Three million affected'
In a statement issued in New York, the UN said that its local HQ in Haiti had "sustained serious damage along with other UN installations" and "a large number" of personnel were missing.
The quake, which struck about 15km (10 miles) south-west of Port-au-Prince, was quickly followed by two strong aftershocks of 5.9 and 5.5 magnitude.
The tremor hit at 1653 (2153 GMT), the US Geological Survey said. Phone lines to the country failed shortly afterwards.
Aid workers and reporters at the scene estimated the number of dead to be in the hundreds or even thousands.
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