http://en.jybest.cn 沪江英语 2010-01-06 大 中 小
10. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (Peter Weir, 2003)
Peter Weir’s unashamedly old-fashioned and visually stunning adaptation of Patrick O’Brian’s novel is one of the greatest odes to leadership ever committed to celluloid. Australian director Weir hasmade many terrific films, including Gallipoli, Dead Poets Society, The Year of Living Dangerously, and Witness, but Master and Commander was the pinnacle ofhis career so far. Nominated for 10 Oscars, including Best Picture, it should be essential viewing for any commander-in-chief. Russell Crowedelivers a powerhouse performance as Jack Aubrey, Captain of HMS Surprise, a British warship that hunts and ultimately captures a farlarger French adversary during the Napoleonic Wars. Set in 1805, it isan epic tale of heroism and love for country in the face of incredibleodds, and a glowing tribute to the grit and determination that forged the British Empire。
9. Black Hawk Down (Ridley Scott, 2001)
Sir Ridley Scott’s searing depiction of the ill-fated USraid on Mogadishu in 1993, which left 19 American servicemen dead, wasreleased just months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the UnitedStates and the launch of the War on Terror. Based on the book by MarkBowden, it won Academy Awards for Best Film Editing and Sound, andScott was nominated for Best Director. Many critics enthusiastically dubbed Black Hawk Down an anti-war film, and it is in some respects acautionary tale about the perils of nation-building. But I regard itabove all as an extraordinarily powerful and deeply patriotic tributeto the heroism and bravery of the US military, faced with overwhelming odds in a hostile city dominated by brutal Somali warlords. It isessentially a story of incredible sacrifice and camaraderie in the heatof battle, and ranks alongside Zulu, Saving Private Ryan and A BridgeToo Far as one of the greatest war films of all time。
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