http://en.jybest.cn 沪江英语网 2012-10-15 大 中 小
Every office, every building, everywhere you go, you see people who are just difficult to get on with. They can be obnoxious, rude, inconsiderate, or just plain clumsy. They may even be brilliant at what they do, but you just know that when it comes to socializing and interacting with people. They are terrible at it and you usually avoid these people whenever possible. Emotional intelligence, social graces, friendliness are just some of the things these people lack. These things are known as “soft skills” and we all need them, otherwise we could end up as social outcasts or as ‘that weird guy’ who nobody wants to deal with.
To better improve your “soft skills”, here are 20 tips you can follow:
1. How to remember people’s names, faces, or places. If you can remember at least one of these, you’re heading in the right direction.
2. Opening successive doors for people. (It takes finesse if you’re doing it for multiple and consecutive sets of doors — and you have multiple people.)
3. Keeping in contact with your relationships. A great way to hone your soft skills and maintain relationships.
4. Learn to be a better listener. Don’t interrupt people, don’t try to control the conversation, and show genuine interest in what people are saying.
5. Offer people something to drink and eat when they enter your home.
6. Learn how to make fast healthy snacks for your visitors.
7. The Elevator Rule. Let others out first. This also applies to “non-elevator” situations as well, such as on buses, boats, and trains.
8. Practice writing emails to be short, respectful, and to the point. No one wants to read an essay in email format.
9. Being discreet when giving tips to relevant service professionals. No one should see the money. This takes some finesse.
10. Cell phone manners. No one wants to hear your conversation in public transport. It’s supposed to be a private conversation, not a public broadcast.
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