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商务办公妙语如珠(2)  沪江英语网  佚名  2015-07-23    



It's On My Radar

If you ask for help and receive the "it's on my radar" reply, you can be sure you will be asking this question again. On the radar means it isn't that important yet for me to really take any time to work on it for you.

如果你请求帮助并得到"it's on my radar"这样的回复,你就做好充分准备,他们肯定会再问你一遍这个问题是什么。On the radar意思就是这个事情还没重要到要我放下手头工作花费时间马上为你解决。

No Brainer

A "no brainer" means that it is going to be painless for the company, and very time consuming for the employee that has to complete the job. A no brainer means you are the perfect candidate for coming in this weekend to get the project back on track.

所谓a "no brainer"指对于公司来说毫无痛苦压力,但是对于雇员个人来说却是一个非常耗费时间才能完成的任务。A no brainer就表示你是本周末能使项目运转步入正轨的最佳人选(毫无疑问)。

Think Outside The Box

When you hear "think outside the box", it means they hate your current ideas.当你听到"think outside the box"


On My Plate

The phrase "on my plate" means the same as on my radar. Not too important to do right now, hopefully someone else will tackle the work before you ask again.

"on my plate"这个词组与on my radar是一个意思。问题并没重要到马上要做,希望某个人将来会在你再问一次之前帮你解决。

Back To The Drawing Board

The "back to the drawing board" catch phrase means the initial attempt failed. You are going to do it all over until it's done right and the desired results are achieved.

"back to the drawing board"表示原来的尝试失败了。你需要重整旗鼓重新再来,直到你作对了,做完美了。

More Bang For Your Buck

Getting "more bang for your buck" means that your employer is going to get you to work as hard as possible on that project until they feel the net profit far exceeds the money they paid you to do it.

Getting "more bang for your buck"就是指你的雇主(老板)会不停的压榨你让你努力工作做项目,直到他们认为所得净利润已经远超他们付你的薪水。






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