《功夫熊猫2》新角色大反派“孔雀王”(Lord Shen)
http://en.jybest.cn 沪江英语 2011-05-30 大 中 小
大反派“孔雀王”(Lord Shen)
——加里·奥德曼(Gary Oldman)配音:
“孔雀王”虽然有“漏斗云”(Funnel Cloud Attack)、“羽毛功”等独门绝技,但它更倾向于利用狡猾的头脑和强大的武器装备来对付敌手。
Lord Shen has come a long way from the sickly albino peacock whose parents deemed him too weak and pitiful to deserve attention. Vowing to accomplish something so great that the world would never ignore him again, Shen relentlessly pursued his lust for power. Through his devious cleverness and the sheer force of his will, he has -- after many years -- created the most devastating weapon the world has ever known. Now, on the verge of his greatest triumph, he is about to find out that something stands in his way -- something he thought he dealt with twenty years ago.
Fighting Style
Even though Lord Shen is a skilled Kung Fu fighter, he is more likely to use his cunning or his cannons than his physical prowess. His "Funnel Cloud Attack" and "Feather Attack" are daunting and deadly. Lord Shen also has a lethal-looking metal talon.
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