《功夫熊猫2》新角色暴风牛(Master Storming Ox)
http://en.jybest.cn 沪江英语 2011-05-30 大 中 小
暴风牛(Master Storming Ox)
Master Storming Ox is Master Thundering Rhino's greatest pupil. As a youngster he skipped his chores, sneaking through Gongmen City into the palace to watch Master Rhino spar. Master Rhino rewarded the young Ox's enthusiasm by training him in kung fu. Master Ox went on to prove his skill and bravery by taking on the seventy-two bandits of the Wing Cho province with naught but his bare horns. Often hotheaded, favoring action over contemplation, Ox is a constant challenge for the old Master. But he is also a loyal friend and trusted member of the Kung Fu Council, which protects the citizens of peaceful Gongmen City.
Fighting Style
The horns of Master Storming Ox are his most deadly weapons, and he wields them with skill and bravery, able to handle dozens of attackers at once. Often quick to action, Master Storming Ox balances his impulsiveness with loyalty to his teacher Master Thundering Rhino. Together they sit on the Kung Fu Council, using their deadly kung fu to protect the weak.
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