http://en.jybest.cn 沪江英语 2011-05-30 大 中 小
鳄鱼功夫大师(Master Croc)
——尚格·云顿(Jean-Claude Van Damme)配音:
Master Croc was once the head of the infamous Wool Stealing Crocodile Bandits of Crocodile Island – a gang of criminals unmatched in their mischief. Anyone foolish enough to stand in a Croc's way was dispatched with his Legendary Lashing Tail of Terror technique – until the day Croc crossed paths with master Thundering Rhino, whose Kung Fu was proven superior in their epic battle on the shores of the Wa Su Li River. Beaten, Master Croc prepared himself for death, but the fatal blow never came. Master Rhino asked Croc to use his Kung Fu excellence for good. Croc was so moved by master Rhino's compassion that he quit his criminal ways then and there. He roamed China, righting wrongs and protecting the weak – and eventually came to sit at Rhino's side as a member of the Kung Fu Council. Croc, as strong as an ox and as wily as a fox, is famous for his many victories, not the least of which was his silencing of the Badger Bandits who talked about his Mom.
Fighting Style
The legend of Master Croc was established with his devastating use of the Lashing Tail of Terror Technique, which no opponent was able to withstand. Master Croc was unbeaten, until he challenged Master Thundering Rhino and lost. Still renowned for his many victories, Master Croc turned to the path of good, using his Kung Fu to help the weak. As a member of the Kung Fu Council Master Croc is a revered and respected Kung Fu master.
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